Adding Soldiers and Soldiers

Adding Soldiers and Civilians

Not long after, a lieutenant ran over and reported: "Reporting to the Country Lord, several dozen castellans are requesting an audience!"

"Requesting an audience?" Li Xiang was a bit puzzled. These guys usually hated to leave their small plots of land. When did they become so enthusiastic to have come to seek an audience?

"Let them in!"

Not long after, a group of people walked in.

"Greetings, Country Lord!"

These people bowed one after another. Although their gestures were all over the place, at least they knew the etiquette.

"Alright, don't waste time with these formalities. Tell me why you're here!"

One of them stepped forward as if it had been prearranged.

"Reporting to the Country Lord, we have come to ask for a reward or command from the Country Lord!"

"Hmm? Tell me!"