Blood and Tears

Tears of blood flowed out from the corners of Zhao Yun's eyes. Even his mouth was stained with blood. He bowed to the Human civilians and kowtowed three times. He was guilty and ashamed, but he had no choice. He had already made up his mind. No matter if it was 10,000 or 100,000, it could not shake his mind.

After kowtowing, Zhao Yun stood up without hesitation.

"Prepare the divine crossbows!"

Zhao Yun shouted.

The Vermilion Bird Army Group soldiers stood up and raised their divine crossbows.

"Divine crossbows ready." The deputy general's voice was trembling.

"Target at the Stone Valley, Human civilians." Zhao Yun took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

"Target at the Stone Valley, Human civilians," The deputy general replied.