Tauren Chieftain

The Rising Sun City was very large. With the number of troops from Dawn, it was almost impossible to completely block the path of the foreign races.

Facing the foreign races who were trying to escape, the only thing they could do was to crazily shoot out waves of arrows, killing a large number of them. Moreover, this process was not only extremely easy, but the danger was also greatly reduced. The number of counterattacks was very small.

This made the combat almost a one-sided massacre.

"Damn it, these humans are too cunning. They can actually pincer attack from the inside. However, they can't stop me, Alista. Tauren, gather with me."

On the city wall, a tall and sturdy Tauren stood tall. Not only was there courage in his eyes, but there was also shrewdness and wisdom that were rarely seen in ordinary Tauren.