Stellar Soldier Pool

"Generally speaking, the Dao soldier refinement method is related to the special cultivation techniques of many sects. Connecting with the sect's Qi dynamics and cultivation techniques can lead to Dao soldiers better displaying battle prowess. The method to refine Dao soldiers is kept secret. I didn't get my hands on the refining method of Dao Soldiers before, but the Mythical Battlefield has it," Li Xiang thought to himself.

He had also exchanged for quite a few Dao soldier refining methods, and there were quite a few for powerful Dao soldiers among them.

For example, "yellow-scarved warrior", "Seven-Star Dao soldier, "Tiangang Dao Soldier", and so on.

Those Dao soldiers were not weak. Once they were refined, they would have extremely powerful combat strength.

However, Li Xiang had yet to make a decision on which Dao soldier he wanted to refine.

With a thought, Dao soldier manuals appeared in front of him.