Bestial Battle Arena

In the area outside the rented apartment:

With Lu Shixue pestering, Lu Jin was dragged out of the apartment building before he could pack his sports bag.

At that moment, a black maglev car was quietly parked in the front of the building.

Beside the car, there were a man and a woman wearing black suits and black AR glasses. Their solemn looks made the neighbors downstairs tread carefully. They did not dare to linger around.

"Young Lu is really rich now. He actually has two bodyguards following him when he goes out."

"Not just rich! Do you see the metal wristbands on their wrists? Those are Nano-Weapon Wristbands. They can transform into any kind of cold weapon or shield in a second. They can even be used as simulators. Unfortunately, the simulation level is only B3. However, this thing is five times harder than titanium alloy. It's also very light. It's worth 6,000,000 credits."

"So cool! If only I had one of these!"

"You? Don't even think about it. This is a precious guard equipment that can only be purchased by a certified First-Class Bodyguard in the City of Light. In order to become a First-Class Bodyguard, one must become a Combat Master. At the same time, one must have reached the Master Level for at least one weapon. This level of skill is only comparable to that of many Senior Adventurers in the City of Light."

Many people who were shopping in the area could not help but feel envious when they saw the bodyguards in front of the car.

As someone who lived in a rented house in the suburbs, their biggest dream in life was to break through Level 10 and become a Junior Adventurer that was recognized by the Adventurers' Association of the City of Light. From then on, they would live in the city and live far away from the misty zone. They would not have synthetic food for three meals a day.

Senior Adventurers?

That was something they did not even dare to imagine.

More than 70% of the Junior Adventurers could not even become Intermediate Adventurers of the Adventurers' Association, let alone become Senior Adventurers who were more proficient.

And now, people who were as skilled as Senior Adventurers had become Lu Jin's personal bodyguards. Furthermore, there were two of them…

"Nice to meet you, Deputy CEO Lu. I'm Xu Xiaotian. From today, I'll be your direct bodyguard and personal butler. If you need anything in the future, feel free to let me know." Xu Xiaotian walked up to Lu Jin with a serious look and a sharp aura. He said respectfully, "This is Tang Yan, a First-Class Bodyguard, like myself."

"Nice to meet you, Deputy CEO Lu." Tang Yan nodded shyly, but her tone was filled with confidence and pride.

"Nice to meet you all." Lu Jin looked at the two who introduced themselves and felt as though he had gained a new understanding of the Fantasy Light Group.

He had also heard some of the comments from the passers-by.

He did not know the level of a First-Class Bodyguard, but he knew very well what kind of person a Senior Adventurer was.

In the entire City of Light, those who could become Senior Adventurers were people who ranked in the upper echelons of the city.

That was also why Tang Yan sounded so confident and proud. After all, Tang Yan was about the same age as Lu Shixue, but she was comparable to the Senior Adventurers of the city. Even among the influential families in the city, she was an absolute genius with a bright future.

Now, two people who were comparable to Senior Adventurers had become his bodyguards. That was too shocking.

Xu Xiaotian opened the car door and said, "Deputy CEO Lu, please get in the car. Everything has been arranged at the Bestial Battle Arena. We are estimated to reach there in one hour and six minutes."

"Alright." Lu Jin got into the car without any reservations.

As an advanced internal beta tester from 400 years ago, Lu Jin was already used to seeing various big shots. Coupled with the many trials that he had gone through during the internal beta test, he could now be calm and composed in the face of such matters.

On the other hand, Lu Shixue was different from the calm Lu Jin. When she got into the car, she was no longer as arrogant and casual as when she was at home. She was more reserved and obedient.

That made Lu Jin feel very amused. He never thought that there could be a day where she behaved like that.

However, after an hour's drive, Lu Shixue and Tang Yan got to know each other, and her true nature was slowly revealed…

When they arrived at the Bestial Battle Arena in the city center, Lu Shixue was even more lively. She looked around and saw that the building was about the size of four stadiums and more than 300 meters tall. Even though it was still early in the morning, people were already moving in and out of the arena, which was filled with luxurious cars.

"Is this the Bestial Battle Arena?"

Lu Jin, who had alighted from the car, could not help but look up at the magnificent building before him.

Through his casual chat with Lu Shixue, Lu Jin had already learned about the only place that the younger Lu Jin had come to before his death:

The Bestial Battle Arena!

It was the largest gold mine in the entire City of Light. The entry fee alone cost 3,000 credits.

It was supposed to be a place that the younger Lu Jin should not have had any interactions with, yet he had come and had spent an entire day there. It was only when the sun had set that he returned home. That was indeed very strange.

However, Lu Jin did not feel anything special about the Bestial Battle Arena before him now.

After Lu Jin had observed for a while, a refined lady in an elegant evening gown with a figure that was comparable to Xia Qingyao came to Lu Jin and the rest with two female receptionists.

"Hello, CEO Lu! I'm Chen Kemeng, the Reception General Manager of this Bestial Battle Arena. Welcome CEO Lu to our Bestial Battle Arena!" Chen Kemeng introduced herself to Lu Jin amiably. "I heard that CEO Lu wants to find a suitable monster to practice with. Yesterday, we had a good intake. I believe that we will definitely be able to find a monster that you are satisfied with."

Chen Kemeng was mature and elegant, and her voice was magnetic. Even Lu Shixue, who had seen many beauties beside Lu Jin, was mesmerized by her…

Meanwhile, a message from Xu Xiaotian appeared before Lu Jin's eyes.

The message was simple. It was an introduction of Chen Kemeng.

Chen Kemeng was the third-in-line successor of the Sun and Moon Group and was also the second daughter of the current head of the Chen Family, Chen Yuren. Currently, she was in contact with many influential families of the Fantasy Light Group and was quite close to the aggressive Jiang Haoyuan. She even openly roped Jiang Haoyuan into becoming the Senior Deputy CEO of the Sun and Moon Group and to take charge of the Marketing department of the group.

"Miss Chen said so." After he had read the message, Lu Jin smiled. "I'm really looking forward to it!"

He didn't expect that other groups would investigate him before he had even officially joined the Fantasy Light Group. Moreover, the second daughter of the Sun and Moon Group had done so personally.

"CEO Lu, although it's your first time here, I can guarantee that you won't be disappointed."

Chen Kemeng smiled and took the initiative to invite Lu Jin into the Bestial Battle Arena. She introduced the entire arena without the arrogance and haughtiness of a Highness.

Lu Jin gradually acquired a general understanding of the Bestial Battle Arena after Chen Kemeng's introduction.

The Bestial Battle Arena was a large-scale comprehensive arena. Not only could it allow players to PK in various settings, but it also had specialized coaches that could help players improve their AR system.

However, the various electronic monsters that were introduced from outside the city were the true selling point of the Bestial Battle Arena.

That allowed the players to choose the most suitable monsters according to their own situation so that their AR level could grow faster.

That was the reason why the descendants of the major families of the City of Light, the management of the major groups, and even many Adventurers wanted to come to the Bestial Battle Arena.

"CEO Lu, we have specially selected three levels of monsters for players whose AR levels have reached Level 10. They are Rare, Elite and Boss-level monsters." Chen Kemeng pointed at the three types of monsters locked in the Battle Hall. She glanced at Lu Jin out of the corner of her eye and said with a faint smile, "Rare-level monsters require players to have a rich combat experience. Among the four basic stats, two must have reached Rank 'B' in order for a player to be able to defeat them."

"Elite-level monsters require more. Among the four basic stats, three must have reached Rank 'B' in order for the player to be able to defeat them."

"The Boss-level is completely different from the previous two. Among the four basic stats, at least one of them has to be Rank 'A', while the other stats have to be Rank 'B', in order for the player to be able to defeat them."

"Which one do you pick, CEO Lu?"