Top Sword

As the dazzling light in the Battle Hall gradually dissipated, a four-meter-tall greenish-gray wolf that was as big as a house appeared before everyone's eyes.

"A Level-10 Regional Boss?"

Chen Kemeng and the rest looked at the gigantic greenish-gray wolf that seemed like it was about to break free from the chains. Their expressions were extremely grave. Even Xu Xiaotian, who had been calm all that while, felt immense pressure.

Regional Boss!

That kind of monster could be said to be completely different from ordinary monsters. Their strength could not be evaluated by levels.

Even if it was only a Level 10 Regional Boss, it would still require more than 20 Junior Adventurers to be defeated.

Although Xu Xiaotian was a Level 17 Intermediate Adventurer, he did not dare to face a Level 10 Regional Boss. Even if Tang Yan, who was a Level 15 Adventurer, joined in, they were no match for it…

Everyone fell into silence. Lu Jin was the only one who knew that the gigantic greenish-gray wolf before them was not a Regional Boss, but just a truly mutated monster.

As Lu Jin had access to the Data Scanning function that was only available to advanced internal beta testers, he had already scanned the wolf.

Gale Wolf, mutated, Level 10.

"Once was enough?" Lu Jin looked at the Gale Wolf that was ready to attack and could not help but feel amused.

When he was just an internal beta tester in his previous life, he had expended so many crystal residues but had not succeeded in generating a mutated monster. Now, it was so easy…

Although mutated monsters were not as strong as Regional Overlords, they were still stronger than normal Regional Bosses. It was just that their health points were relatively low, about one-third of Regional Bosses of the same level.

A Level 10 mutated monster would normally require 30 Level 11 to 14 Junior Adventurers to defeat it. Even if they were Adventurers who were Level 15 and above, they would need a team of six to defeat it.

"CEO Lu!" Chen Kemeng looked at Lu Jin and asked hurriedly, "Can I discuss something with you?"

"Discuss something?" Lu Jin could not help having a guess when he saw the excitement in Chen Kemeng's eyes. He smiled faintly and asked, "Miss Chen, you're not planning to keep this monster, are you?"

Although the Gale Wolf was strong, they were in the Bestial Battle Arena after all. There was no lack of experts there. Chen Kemeng only needed to send a message and she would be able to find a group of people.

"That's right, I do want this Regional Boss." Chen Kemeng did not hide anything and went straight to the point. "If CEO Lu is willing to give up this Regional Boss, I can give you 3,000 units of memory fragments. I can also give you three superior Rare weapons or equipment!"

When Xu Xiaotian and Tang Yan heard that, they couldn't help but look at Chen Kemeng. They didn't expect her to be willing to pay such a high price. That was equivalent to three months of their income.

It was difficult to find a Regional Boss. Even the hunting teams of the three major groups of the City of Light would usually only encounter one in half a month.

Even so, a Level 10 Regional Boss would only leave behind 500 to 600 units of memory fragments at most. Other than that, there would definitely be equipment and materials that were Rare-type or better. However, there would definitely not be more than four of them.

Top-grade Rare-type equipment was very rare.

OL World's weapons and equipment system was different from ordinary games. There was no grade, only type distinctions.

The types were Normal, Rare, Magical and Supernatural.

Different types only had different effects and quantities on weapons and equipment. Their Attack and Defense were the same.

The difference was also in their grade. The seven grades were 'F', 'E', 'D', 'C', 'B', 'A' and 'S'.

Grade 'F' and Grade 'E' were the most common grades. Superior weapons were Grade 'D' or 'C', while top-grade weapons were Grade 'B' and above.

Normally, the Rare equipment left behind by Regional Bosses would be rated as Grade 'E' or 'D', with few reaching Grade 'C'. As for Grade 'B' equipment, there might not even be one in a thousand.

Therefore, it was definitely very rare for three superior Rare-type weapons and equipment to be given out.

Chen Kemeng was willing to pay such a high price because she wanted to bet on the possibility of obtaining a Magical equipment. After all, there was a chance that a Level 10 Regional Boss would leave behind a Magical equipment. It was just very, very low.

Lu Jin looked at Chen Kemeng and shook his head. "Your price is too low."

"How much do you want, CEO Lu?" Chen Kemeng asked.

"Ten thousand units of memory fragments and two items left behind by the monster." Lu Jin answered without hesitation.

"You're crazy!" Chen Kemeng could not help but widen her eyes in anger when she heard that. "No one in the entire City of Light would pay this price!"

A Level 10 Regional Boss would leave behind four items at most.

If Lu Jin chose two items, there would be nothing left. No one in the entire City of Light would offer such a price.

Xu Xiaotian and Tang Yan were speechless.

Lu Jin's offer could be said to be comparable to that of the Bestial Battle Arena.

"Miss Chen, if you can't afford it, there's nothing I can do about it." Lu Jin shrugged before he turned to Xu Xiaotian and Tang Yan. "Get ready. The chains won't hold for long."

Although the Bestial Battle Arena used chains to lock the monsters, those chains were normal items and could not withstand the toss of monsters like the Regional Boss.

"CEO Lu." Xu Xiaotian looked at Lu Jin, who was preparing to fight, and whispered, "Even Tang Yan and I won't be able to kill this Boss. At most, we can stall for time. The only way out would be to inform the Group to send more experts over."

Although Xu Xiaotian spoke softly, Chen Kemeng heard him clearly.

"CEO Lu, although there are many experts in the Fantasy Light Group, I'm afraid it will take a long time for them to come here." Chen Kemeng looked at Lu Jin and smiled. "If you all are defeated during this period, our arena would benefit from this Boss. Are you sure you don't want to cooperate?"

If she had not seen Lu Jin's amazing skills, she would never have cooperated with him. Furthermore, it was not easy to meet a Regional Boss.

"Thank you for your kind intentions, Miss Chen." Lu Jin shook his head and smiled. "But we are good enough to deal with this monster."

"Since you don't wish to work with us, then forget it." Chen Kemeng took another glance at Lu Jin. She did not understand where he got his confidence from and how he could feel that he could deal with that Regional Boss. She then added, "But if you all are defeated, don't say that we took advantage of you."

"Don't worry about that, Miss Chen. I know the rules." Lu Jin smiled.

He knew the rules of the Bestial Battle Arena. If the player was defeated by the monster that they bought, that monster would recover and regain its freedom. If the player wanted to battle the monster again after they recovered, they would have to spend money. Hence, the Bestial Battle Arena had always been known as a scam.

"It's good that CEO Lu knows. I'll wait and see then."

Chen Kemeng smiled as well. She turned around and walked straight to the side of the Battle Hall. She wanted to see what Lu Jin was capable of and how he could defeat a Level 10 Regional Boss together with Xu Xiaotian and Tang Yan who were Intermediate Adventurers.

"Let's start! You all just stall for time and think of a way to deplete its Health Points. I'll handle the rest!" Lu Jin ordered as he looked at Xu Xiaotian and Tang Yan who were already prepared.

Xu Xiaotian and Tang Yan had no choice but to charge at the Gale Wolf while they felt doubtful.

While Xu Xiaotian and Tang Yan were charging toward the Gale Wolf, Lu Jin had already activated Absolute Nihility.

An invisible force slowly gathered in Lu Jin's hands, which made him feel an indescribable warmth and strength.

Ten seconds… Twenty seconds… Thirty seconds…

Lu Jin could feel that the force was getting stronger and stronger, to the extent that his hands were starting to emit a faint burning glow.

In that 30 seconds or so, the Gale Wolf had already broken free from the chains. It used its absolute strength and forced Xu Xiaotian and Tang Yan to retreat.

It could be said that every strike of the Gale Wolf could easily cause Xu Xiaotian, who was holding a Rare shield, to retreat. That caused Xu Xiaotian's memory fragments to continuously decrease. He could only use the Basic Restoration Potion to recover his memory fragments when Tang Yan blocked an attack with her spear. It was the same for Tang Yan.

It should be mentioned that the two of them were indeed very strong. They were comparable to Senior Adventurers.

With their superb combat skills and Rare-type equipment, they managed to escape from the attacks of the Gale Wolf many times. They could even cause considerable damage to the Gale Wolf, causing its Health Points to decrease continuously.

90%… 80%… 70%…

In just a short 40 seconds, the two of them had reduced the Health Points of the Gale Wolf to less than 60%. However, it was obvious that they had also reached their limit. Their memory fragments had depleted by more than 80%. Even if they continuously used Basic Restoration Potions, they would not be able to recover sufficiently. It was only a matter of time before they were defeated by the Gale Wolf.

"The two of them are comparable to Senior Adventurers, yet Xia Qingyao was really willing to let them be Lu Jin's bodyguards."

Chen Kemeng was also slightly surprised by their capabilities as she watched them fight. She did not expect Xia Qingyao to value Lu Jin so much.

As he saw that Xu Xiaotian couldn't hold on any longer and that the Gale Wolf was about to strike again, Lu Jin, who had been watching from the side, finally acted.

He dashed behind the Gale Wolf like an experienced assassin.

He was completely silent.

Even the Gale Wolf did not notice his approach.

Just as the sharp claws of the Gale Wolf was going to land on Xu Xiaotian's shield, Lu Jin arrived at the side of the Gale Wolf. The Light Sword in his hand shone like a full moon.

Sword Aurora!

In an instant, the 10-fold strength split the virtual space in half, directly slashing across the back of the Gale Wolf.

The Gale Wolf didn't even have time to cry out before it was instantly split into two, and it crashed onto the ground of the Battle Hall. Its body also started to slowly collapse. It was completely dead…