Grade 'A' Adventurers

In the corridor of Light Hotel:

After Lu Shixue inexplicably accepted Lu Jin's invitation to team up, Lu Jin immediately ran back to his room, leaving Lu Shixue with a blank look on her face, completely unsure of what had happened…

"I wonder what compounded effect could these two innate talents achieve."

When he returned to the living room, Lu Jin used his A3-model sensory gloves and simulation equipment to practice his sword technique, Sword Aurora.

In Fantasy World, players could form teams.

From a small team of six to a large team of 100 people, it was possible.

As long as the players formed a team, they would not be able to harm each other, which would help them avoid accidental injuries in battle. At the same time, after defeating the monsters, the EXP gained would be split equally, allowing both of them to gain EXP.

Usually, the greatest function was to be able to check the state of their companion's memory fragments at any time, which was the state of the loss of memory fragments. It could allow the companion to make the best judgment and assistance in battle. Other than that, there were no other functions from the formation of teams.

According to the explanations of the innate talents, the adaptability of the players' systems could be improved with the formation of teams and growth could be achieved by the honing of one's skills.

In that case, it would not be a problem for him to quickly break through Level 10 and master the energy of the light pulses.

Time gradually passed.

Unknowingly, more than two hours had passed. Lu Jin was madly practicing Sword Aurora, over and over again. That caused his body, which was initially not used to it, to have a small breakthrough.

Two slashes became three slashes, interweaving into one!

In that instant, the progress of the AR system increased from 84% to 86%. Compared to the speed of growth brought about by fighting suitable monsters, it was not much slower. Furthermore, the light pulses that were dissipating seemed to be gathering towards the Sword of Lake Light.

"It's a pity that I can't form a team with Xu Xiaotian and Tang Yan. Otherwise, the speed of growth would be faster." Lu Jin looked at the system's progress bar and couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

Xu Xiaotian and Tang Yan were both very vigilant people. If he were to team up with the two of them for no reason, it would definitely arouse some suspicion and confusion. In addition, his innate talents were simply too astonishing. If they were to be discovered, the effects would probably be even more terrifying than that of the monster's evolution.

The evolution of monsters only allowed them to obtain more equipment and materials. As long as they investigated carefully, they would be able to find some clues eventually. By then, all the major groups and families would be able to evolve monsters. It was just that the pioneer would have gotten some advantage.

But it was different for his innate talents. They could not be duplicated. It was impossible to split him into dozens of pieces.

At that time, it would not be impossible for the entire city to become his enemy. After all, in the City of Light, no one wanted a force that could control the entire city. If those groups and families knew about it, they would definitely team up against him before he could grow.

The only person that he could trust now was Lu Shixue. Even if Lu Shixue was aware of the upgrade of his system's adaptability, she would not tell anyone. Furthermore, he only teamed up with one person. The upgrade of the system's adaptability was not that obvious. It would not be easy to detect it.

After Lu Jin rested, he continued to perfect his sword technique.

In the middle of the night, at the Chen family's Sunset Palace:

On the second floor of the basement, in a secret room that was only about 20 square meters, a man and a woman sat facing each other. On the wooden table in front of them was a pile of documents.

If Lu Jin were to see those documents now, he would probably be shocked.

That was because the information contained the younger Lu Jin's life history. Even the date of purchase of his first A2-model simulation equipment when he was 13 and the day he first scavenged around the city were recorded in detail.

"Dad, I've finished reading all the information." Chen Kemeng looked at Chen Yuren, who was sitting quietly and sipping his tea, and said seriously, "I already know Lu Jin very well. The collaboration that Lu Jin proposed this time should not be a trap."

After leaving the Sacred Grounds of the Bestial Battle Arena, Chen Kemeng had rushed home to report about the collaboration that Lu Jin had proposed.

However, to Chen Kemeng's surprise, her father did not give her an answer. He only took a pile of information for her to read.

In the information, Lu Jin could be said to be an extremely simple person who had no connections with all the power in the City of Light. He was a complete suburban resident.

That was also the reason why Xia Qingyao had chosen him, apart from the fact that he had great potential.

Chen Yuren, who already had a few strands of white hair on his head, took a sip of tea and glanced at Chen Kemeng with a faint smile. "Of course, I know that Lu Jin's proposal this time is not a trap. That's not why I'm showing you this."

"Not why you're showing me this? What does that mean?" Chen Kemeng was slightly stunned.

Lu Jin's offer was very tempting, and she did not think that the Sun and Moon Group would reject it. The only problem was whether that was a trap. After all, there were too many people eying the Sun and Moon Group, so she had to be wary of them.

Chen Yuren looked at Chen Kemeng, who was confused, and said slowly, "I just wanted to tell you that this Lu Jin isn't simple."

Chen Kemeng almost rolled her eyes when she heard that.

Didn't she know about this?

How could a person who had mastered a skill and could turn ordinary monsters into Regional Bosses be simple?

"Meng Meng, you still don't understand this information." Chen Yuren shook his head and said slowly, "You have to know that that Lu Jin and his sister, Lu Shixue, are not locals of our City of Light."

"Of course I know. The information is very clear. They came to the City of Light with their parents when they were young, but for some reason, their parents left the city. After that, there was no information about his parents." Chen Kemeng nodded. "But this kind of thing is very normal for people living in the suburbs."

Every year, in the City of Light, there would be refugees who came from other residences. Those refugees could no longer live in their own residences, hence they would pay a huge price to follow some teams of Adventurers on their expedition to the city in order to live there. That was the case for Lu Jin's family.

"Do you know where Lu Jin and his family came from ?" Chen Yuren asked.

"There was no information about that." Chen Kemeng shook her head. "However, I think that the place they used to live in wasn't bad. The Adventurer team that brought them here was a Grade 'B' Adventurer team, which was rare. An Adventurer team of this grade would usually only travel between major cities. Even in our City of Light, there haven't been many of them."

The Adventurer teams of the Adventurers' Association were categorized into five grades: Grade 'D', Grade 'C', Grade 'B', Grade 'A', and Grade 'S'.

The grade was determined by the strength of the Adventurer team. Usually, only teams with one Senior Adventurer and five Intermediate Adventurers would be evaluated as Grade 'D' by the Adventurers' Association. A Grade 'C' Adventurer team had to have five Senior Adventurers.

An Adventurer team had to have two Master Adventurers who were Level 20 and above to be evaluated as Grade 'B' by the Adventurers' Association. They had the ability to travel between cities.

There were less than 30 Master Adventurers who were Level 20 and above in the City of Light. There were even fewer of them who were willing to form their own Adventurer team for expeditions.

As for a Grade 'A' team, there was not a single one in the entire City of Light. Even the hunting teams of the three major groups couldn't reach the level of a Grade 'A' Adventurer team. A Grade 'A' team was like a legend.

"You're right." Chen Yuren nodded in satisfaction. "And I can tell you another piece of news. The Adventurer team that brought them here was already a Grade 'A' Adventurer team a few years ago."

"A Grade 'A' Adventurer team?" Chen Kemeng's eyes widened in shock. "How is that possible? If it was really a Grade 'A' team, doesn't that mean that Lu Jin and his family are from the City of Thousand Stars?"