Level 10?


"Wang Zhonghu, whose AR level was 13, was defeated?"

"Can somebody tell me what just happened!!!"

As Lu Jin slowly walked down the stage, everyone's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

As for Meng Junjie, who was watching from below the stage, he nearly tore off his mustache…

The battle between Lu Jin and Wang Zhonghu had only one exchange from the beginning to the end.

Could that be called a battle?

Wasn't a battle supposed to be a spectacular show of offense and defense? A show where both sides fought back and forth as their electronic bodies wore down continuously? A show where the last person standing won by a hair?

Moreover, shouldn't the person who ultimately won be Wang Zhonghu?

After a brief moment of silence and shock, the entire banquet hall exploded into sound.

"Defeated in one move, could that Wang Zhonghu be acting?"

"That shouldn't be the case. Wang Zhonghu is a direct descendant of the Wang family. There's no way he would betray the family."

"Then tell me, how could an AR Level 13 and Adventurer Level 14 person who had superior Rare equipment be defeated by someone who hasn't even broken through Level 10?"

"It is indeed unexplainable. After breaking through AR Level 10, one's five senses will be enhanced. Even if both parties have the same basic stats, those who have broken through Level 10 will not lose. After all, after the five senses are upgraded, the ability to observe and the grasp of the attack range is not something that those who have not broken through Level 10 could compare with. They could completely treat those who have not broken through Level 10 as monkeys."

"Could it be that Lu Jin's AR level isn't even at Level 10?"

Everyone in the hall looked at Wang Zhonghu, who was still in a daze on the battle stage, and Lu Jin, who had already walked off the battle stage and was completely unconcerned. All of them felt disbelief and were unable to understand what had happened.

Compared to Wang Zhonghu's defeat, which caused the major four families to lose the management rights of the logistics department, Lu Jin's unexplainable actions were even more shocking and difficult to accept. It could be said that it completely broke everyone's understanding of AR levels.

One's AR level was almost a manifestation of their abilities.

With every increase in AR level, not only would the AR system upgrade to become more suitable for the player, but it could also improve the player's five senses.

Every 10 levels was a chasm, and the enhancement of the five senses would change from quantity to quality.

That was especially so for Adventurers. If the increase in basic stats was akin to the methods of addition and subtraction, then the increase in AR level was akin to the methods of multiplication and division.

"According to Wang Zhonghu's data, his Strength and Endurance are both Rank 'A', and his Agility and Neural Reaction are both Rank 'B'. Although he has not fully trained to the limit of 59 and 49, he has attained Rank 'E' after reaching Soldier Class. He should have completely surpassed Lu Jin, who was at Rank 'A' for Strength and Agility and Rank 'S' for Neural Reaction." Chen Kemeng, who was watching from afar, looked at Lu Jin who was below the stage. Her beautiful eyes were filled with confusion. "Could it be that he used a skill in that move just now?"

However, Chen Kemeng quickly shook her head and rejected the idea.

Compared to others, Chen Kemeng, who had personally witnessed the power of Absolute Nihility, knew very well that that sharp slash had cut through the virtual scene.

However, Lu Jin's slashes just now did not have such a terrifying effect. The five consecutive strikes were indeed astonishing, but it was only a basic weapon technique. There were not many people who had mastered it, and the increase in power was very limited. It was impossible to unleash the powerful force that could repel Wang Zhonghu.

Most importantly, Lu Jin's speed and reflexes were clearly not inferior to Wang Zhonghu's.

"Could it be that his AR level has actually surpassed Level 10?"

Chen Kemeng could not resist that thought.

That was the only possibility that Lu Jin could defeat Wang Zhonghu with one move.

Lu Jin's physical potential was astounding. If he were to achieve a breakthrough after he trained to reach his limits, his basic stats would not be much inferior to Wang Zhonghu's. Coupled with the Magical Sword of Lake Light, it was indeed possible for him to defeat the defenseless Wang Zhonghu in one move.

At the same time, many people at the scene thought of that possibility. They casted their gazes at Lu Jin as though they wanted to see him clearly.

"D*mn it! I forgot to bring a data-monitoring card today!"

"Does anyone have a data-monitoring card to sell me?"

"I have one here. It costs 500 units of memory fragments!"

"Get lost! A data-monitoring card is just the most ordinary tool. It's only sold for 5 units of memory fragments outside. Why don't you rob if you want 500 units!"

"Doesn't matter if you don't buy. I'm selling it at 500 units regardless."

"If that person doesn't want it, I'll buy it!"

All of a sudden, the banquet turned into a data-monitoring card trade fair. Everyone wanted to check Lu Jin's current AR level.

"Brother, did you break through your AR level?" Lu Shixue asked curiously as she watched Lu Jin walk down the stage.

It was impossible to defeat Wang Zhonghu in one move even if one had a superior Magical weapon. After all, the AR system's Five-Senses Enhancement was not comparable to basic stats.

"Not yet." Lu Jin shook his head.

"You defeated Wang Zhonghu without breaking through?" Lu Shixue's small mouth formed an 'O' and her eyes were filled with disbelief. "Brother! Don't lie to me, I'm your sister!"

Even Qin Lianyue looked at Lu Jin in disbelief.

She did not think that he was lying, but she also did not think that he was telling the truth.

Was it really possible for someone who had yet to break through Level 10 to defeat Wang Zhonghu, who had broken through Level 10?

Even with her extraordinary physical talent and terrifying combat talent, Miss Xia Qingyao could only fight Level 11 Junior Adventurers with her Magical weapons when she was Level 10.


That did not happen at all. At that time, just the fact that they could fight to a draw had already shocked the elderly leader of the family.

Lu Jin was a person who lived in the suburbs and had never received any training since he was young. How could he be compared to a young lady who had received elite education from a young age, had numerous combat masters teaching her every day, and had a large number of suitable monsters to train with?

"Why would I lie to you?" Lu Jin could not help but laugh at Lu Shixue's persistence. "A PK between players is not a PK between levels. Basic stats, weapons, combat skills, skill tools, the five senses and the usage of the five senses will affect the outcome of a battle."

"Of course I know that." Lu Shixue rolled her eyes at Lu Jin and snapped, "But brother, your basic stats and your five senses are far behind Wang Zhonghu's. Even if your weapon could break through his defense, it's impossible for you to defeat him in one move with the difference in your basic stats!"

"Who said that my basic stats are worse than his?" Lu Jin chuckled.

"Not worse than his?" Lu Shixue looked at Lu Jin with a strange expression. "But I heard from others that Wang Zhonghu has already reached Rank 'E' in the Soldier Class, and he's already an expert among the Junior Adventurers."

Not only was Lu Shixue curious, even Qin Lianyue wanted to take two steps forward to listen.

"Lianyue!" Xia Qingyao suddenly glanced at Qin Lianyue.

Xia Qingyao's words made Qin Lianyue realize that she had crossed the line. After all, everyone had their own secrets. She immediately retreated to the side.

"It's fine." Lu Jin's heart warmed at Xia Qingyao's actions. He smiled and said, "It's not a secret, and I don't intend to keep it a secret. Some high-level tools can even detect it. You'll understand once you see it."

Lu Jin then sent his four basic stats to Lu Shixue, Qin Lianyue and Xia Qingyao.