Gray Valley Regional Dungeon

At the southern gate outside the City of Light:

With the low hum of the leading truck, a total of ten trucks in the B9 Electronic Armor advanced into the mist under everyone's gaze. In a short while, they completely disappeared into the mist.

In the leading truck, Lu Jin had also experienced for the first time how powerful an electronic-armored truck was.

The road from the City of Light to Stream Town could be said to be flat. Although the road was extremely old, it had not been maintained at all. Many places were full of potholes and gravel, but for a medium-sized truck that was almost two meters in size, it was like walking on flat ground.

However, the truly powerful aspect of a truck that was in a B9 Electronic Armor was that it could directly crash into the surrounding electronic monsters. Those electronic monsters were instantly sent flying and were unable to enter the truck at all.

Normally, it would take an hour or two for the Scavengers for that journey. For that B9 truck, it only took 10 minutes.

In less than 20 minutes, the convoy had already left more than five kilometers away from the City of Light and entered the area where monsters above Level 10 were active.

"CEO Lu, we will enter a Level 12 Regional Dungeon in a while. There are many monsters there. We have to get out of the truck and clear the monsters as we move forward. Otherwise, the electronic armor of the truck will easily be completely destroyed by those monsters." Su Tongwei looked at the heavy mist in front of her and said to Lu Jin behind her, "I'm afraid we won't be able to look after you then. Please stay in the truck."

The B9 Electronic Armor was indeed powerful, but it was a consumable item that was used to save one's life at critical moments.

If there were too many monsters, the durability of the electronic armor would be depleted in just a few waves of attacks. At that time, there would be no effect of defense against the electronic monsters. People who sat in the truck could be said to have their hands and feet completely tied, and would still be defeated by the electronic monsters.

Thus, when they reached Regional Dungeons where there were many monsters, they would have to get out of the vehicle and fight their way forward.

"Sure." Lu Jin nodded.

He did not intend to interfere with Su Tongwei's commands. He was only good at clearing Regional Dungeons. He was a complete layman when it came to transportation battles that did not exist 400 years ago. If he were to forcefully command them, it would only bring about the opposite effect.

Su Tongwei looked at Lu Jin, who seemed to have no intention of taking over the command, and was a little surprised. She said gratefully, "Thank you for your understanding, CEO Lu."

In the transportation team, there were too many descendants of the major families. Although they all had some power, when there were many missions, they always liked to show off. From time to time, they would want to seize command and use that opportunity to show off their abilities to make others admire them or look at them in a different light.

Those issues gave Su Tongwei and the others a headache. They had to put in more effort and time to make up for the negative effects brought about by those people.

After a while, the truck entered a translucent wall of light.

As the truck entered, a system notification appeared before everyone.

System: Player has entered the Gray Valley Regional Dungeon.

Regional Dungeon Level: 12

Players who have not cleared Regional Dungeons will have their AR System level and Adventurer level limited to Level 12 and below.

"Everyone get off the truck and prepare for battle! Archers, get on the roof!" Su Tongwei shouted on the truck's loudspeaker.

Due to the mist, the transmission of signals from ordinary electronic devices was extremely weak. It was impossible to use electronic communication methods. One could only use an old-fashioned loudspeaker to transmit messages.

Fortunately, the AR system had improved the player's five senses considerably. Even the voices of ordinary people could be heard clearly from 30 meters away. Hence, the loudspeaker could be heard clearly from hundreds of meters away.

All of the trucks stopped, and the members of the transportation team alighted from the trucks, leaving only one person who drove the truck slowly. The others stayed by the side of the truck.

On the roof of every truck stood a member holding a longbow. They took the arrows from their backpack and placed them aside while they kept an eye on their surroundings.

"Little Kui, our truck will depend on you in a while." Su Tongwei specially instructed the petite woman, Lin Xiaokui, who stood on the roof of the car.

"Sister Su, do you still not understand my strength?" Lin Xiaokui took out an ancient crystal longbow and said confidently, "I will definitely not let those monsters get within 10 meters of here!"

"I'm relieved to hear you say that." Su Tongwei nodded and acknowledged Lin Xiaokui's strength.

In Fantasy World, most mainstream jobs were close combat. Only a small number of players would choose weapons like bows and arrows. One reason was that it was difficult to train, and the second reason was that it was resource-intensive. Every arrow amounted to some memory fragments. A unit of memory fragments was equivalent to three ordinary arrows.

Of course, the role of an Archer was also extremely important. Firstly, in terms of the damage it could inflict, it ranked first among all weapons. Coupled with the long-range attack method, most of the monsters in Fantasy World would be restrained. Furthermore, there was no dispute that when they were compared with other melee players, their speed of clearing monsters was definitely the fastest.

It was also because of that that Archers were extremely useful in a team. As long as it was a powerful team, there would definitely be powerful Archers.

Among them, Lin Xiaokui was a rare AR Level 15 Archer. Among her basic stats, her Agility and Neural Reaction had reached Rank 'A'. It could be said that she was the number one damage-dealer in the entire transportation team.

In less than three minutes, a group of Goblins appeared on both sides of the road. Though they were only a meter tall and were wearing simple and tattered equipment with worn-out weapons in their hands, they had surrounded the convoy. There were more than 200 of them.

"Archers, kill those Goblins in the distance first. Guardians, follow me to attract their attention. Everyone else, protect the truck!"

Su Tongwei instinctively picked up the tower shield that she carried on her back and led seven shield-bearers to charge into the mass of Goblins. They frantically used their shields to attack the Goblins, which caused them to scatter. All the Goblins' attention was turned to Su Tongwei and the shield bearers, which gave the Archers a chance to attack the Goblins that were holding bows.

Lu Jin, who was resting in the truck, quietly watched Su Tongwei and the rest clear the Goblins. He was surprised by Su Tongwei's ability.

Although Su Tongwei's level was suppressed to Level 12, she could easily suppress five to six Level 12 Goblins by herself. When faced with the siege of those Level 12 Goblins, Su Tongwei's shield seemed to be alive. No matter how the Goblins attacked, they could not hurt Su Tongwei. Whenever they were about to hit her, her shield would block them.

"This Su Tongwei is so strong. Purely in terms of shield mastery, she has probably already reached the level of an Intermediate Master." Xu Xiaotian, who was in the truck, couldn't help but exclaim as he looked at the unharmed Su Tongwei.

As an expert who also used a shield, Xu Xiaotian was well aware of the situation when one faced five or six monsters at once. Even if he was facing a monster of the same level, it was impossible for him to be as powerful as Su Tongwei.

Only an Intermediate Master who was more skillful than a Junior Master could completely turn that situation around.

Moreover, because Su Tongwei had diverted a lot of the Goblins' attention, Lin Xiaokui, who was on the roof of the truck, could attack frantically.

Arrows shot out like bullets from a machine gun. Each arrow accurately hit the head of the Goblins without helmet protection and instantly killed them.

In less than a minute of the battle, more than 20 Goblins were killed by Lin Xiaokui, causing the number of Goblins to decrease.

As the battle continued, Su Tongwei and the rest attacked in all directions. However, the speed of the convoy did not increase. Before the group of Goblins was defeated, new Goblins noticed the commotion and rushed over.

"Sister Su, Wang Zhonghu and the rest aren't contributing at all. With our current speed, I'm afraid we won't be able to reach the rest house even after dark." Lin Xiaokui, who had a thorough view of the situation from the roof of the truck, observed the members of the four families who were still fighting beside the convoy. Those people had to fight for a long time to defeat one Goblin when they were facing just one or two Goblins. They hadn't even displayed half of their usual abilities.

"D*mn it! As expected, they want to stall for time!" Su Tongwei glanced at the two vice-captains who did not contribute much, her eyes filled with anger.

The vice-captains of the transportation team were experts among Intermediate Adventurers. They were also equipped with superior Rare equipment. Even if their levels were suppressed to Level 12, they could defeat three or four Goblins by themselves. After all, Goblins were very weak among monsters of the same level.

However, the two of them were flustered when facing two of three Goblins. They were clearly stalling for time and did not want to exert their strength.

Su Tongwei had no choice but to quickly kill those Goblins and leave the area before more Goblins arrived.

"Our captain is really hardworking."

"Kill, kill, kill. With their clearing speed, they can't match the speed of the Goblins. If more time passes, the Regional Boss might even arrive."

Wang Zhonghu and the others couldn't help but laugh as they watched Su Tongwei speed up the killing.

Battles between players and monsters were different from battles between players. Whether the players could deal more damage to monsters depended partly on their level and partly on their weapons.

If players had a level suppression on monsters, the damage that they could cause would be increased. It was the same for weapons. The higher the level of the player, the higher the power of the weapons. That was because the power of the weapons was based on the power of the player's attacks.

However, in the Regional Dungeon, Su Tongwei, who was Level 16, could not use her level advantage.

Pure individual skills had little impact on the speed of killing monsters.

In the leading truck:

"It seems that Wang Zhonghu and his men are really trying to stall for time." Lu Jin glanced out the window at Wang Zhonghu and his men, who were fighting, and was not surprised. He then turned to Xu Xiaotian and Tang Yan, who were beside him. "In that case, let's go as well!"


Xu Xiaotian and Tang Yan transformed their wristbands into weapons that they were good at and followed Lu Jin out of the car.