Goblin King

"Brother Wang, are you sure he's only Level 10?"

The lean young man looked at Lu Jin, who was in the center of the field, and he was almost unable to close his mouth.

The storm-like slashing was unheard of. With just one slash, more than 20 Goblins were sent flying, and all of them were severely injured.

Such strength and speed were comparable to an Intermediate Adventurer who was not suppressed.

At that moment, Wang Zhonghu was looking at Lu Jin with an unprecedented seriousness.

That strength, that speed and that terrifying destructive power - even if he was not suppressed, he would not be able to achieve it…

"Could he have broken through?"

Wang Zhonghu gazed at Lu Jin. Although he did not believe it, there was only one possibility after much thought. Otherwise, he could not explain how Lu Jin could be so powerful.

Lu Jin, who was in the center of the scene, looked at Su Tongwei and the rest who were dumbfounded. He could not help but laugh. "You are all daydreaming. The truck has to follow me and move forward slowly. We can't just stop here."

Although he was only Level 11 now, his basic stats were comparable to a Level 15 Intermediate Adventurer team whose basic stats had reached Rank 'D', especially his Neural Reaction, which was probably close to a normal Intermediate Adventurer's Rank 'C'.

It was naturally easy to deal with a group of Rank 'F' Goblins.

Though it was easy to deal with, he would still be exhausted to death if he faced an endless army of Goblins.

According to Lu Jin's map-scan, within a radius of one kilometer, there were already four Goblin colonies surrounding them. Given the speed of the Goblin armies, they would probably have to face six to seven hundred Goblins in about five to six minutes.

With so many Goblins, even if Wang Zhonghu and the rest went all out, they would still be defeated.

It was only when Lu Jin spoke that everyone reacted. Lin Xiaokui and the rest looked at Su Tongwei, clearly seeking her opinion.

"Everyone, listen to CEO Lu! The convoy should follow in his direction!" Su Tongwei took a deep breath. That was all that she could do now.

Although it was unsure why, after Lu Jin defeated that Goblin, the surrounding Goblins obviously became a mess. Some Goblins even turned around and fled. Even if they had the power to attack, they did not cooperate. That was something that had never happened before.

It was obvious that Lu Jin was responsible for the Goblins' chaos.

That meant that Lu Jin was rather familiar with the Goblins' Regional Dungeons. He had no reason not to take the risk.

After Su Tongwei's command, the convoy began to move slowly in Lu Jin's direction.

Without the Goblin commander, the combat power of the 200 Goblins decreased by half. Initially, Su Tongwei and the Guardians felt pressured when they were facing the combined attacks of six to seven Goblins. However, now they were very relaxed when facing the siege of 10 Goblins.

As for Lu Jin, who was leading the way, he blended into the crowd.

There was no need to deliberately attack the vital points of the Goblins. They were like a child with a sword. With just one move of Sword Aurora, he could instantly defeat five surrounding Goblins, like a reaper. The siege of the Goblins had become a complete joke.

Lu Jin's EXP bar was also increasing rapidly.

System: Player's EXP bar +2.

System: Player's EXP bar +2.

System: Player's EXP bar +2.

Due to Lu Jin's lead, the convoy sped up in an instant.

The journey was supposed to take an hour, but because Lu Jin could see all the monsters within a one-kilometer radius, he was able to choose the best direction to advance and they were completely unaffected by the Goblins.

Even if there were two to three hundred Goblins, Lu Jin would still finish off the Goblin commander in time so that the entire team could deal with the rest of the Goblins easily.

"Sister Su, CEO Lu is too awesome! It's like we're being carried by an Intermediate Adventurer who isn't suppressed by his level!" On the roof of the truck, Lin Xiaokui looked at the Goblins that fell at Lu Jin's feet one by one. Her eyes were filled with excitement. "I'm afraid that Wang Zhonghu and the rest are going to be dumbfounded."

According to their original estimations, they would definitely not be able to reach the rest house at night.

However, with their current speed, even if Wang Zhonghu and the others didn't contribute, they could easily reach the rest house on time.

"Indeed, the speed of advancement is too shocking. With this speed, we can even reach the rest house two to three hours earlier, let alone reaching there at night." Su Tongwei looked at Lu Jin who was leading the way in front and was enlightened. "No wonder Miss Qin got CEO Lu to lead the team. The others had always said that CEO Lu had not broken through Level 10, but his talent is extremely shocking. At Level 10, he can match a Junior Adventurer. Now it seems that he should have broken through Level 10."

Despite that, Level 11 Adventurers were not worth mentioning in the entire transportation team, because in their team, the weakest was an AR Level 14 Junior Adventurer, and the team leader was an Intermediate Adventurer at AR Level 15.

However, in a Level 12 low-level Regional Dungeon, a genius like Lu Jin was like a bug.

While Su Tongwei and Lin Xiaokui were chatting, the sound of a horn suddenly came from the gravel forest not far away. Immediately after, a two-meter tall Goblin riding a giant wolf and wearing exquisite armor suddenly appeared. It stunned everyone in the convoy, and their expressions became unprecedentedly solemn.

"How could this be!"

"I must be dreaming!"

"A Regional Overlord! Why would such a monster appear in a low-level normal Regional Dungeon?"

At that moment, not only did the people in the convoy feel extremely oppressed, even the Intermediate Adventurers like Su Tongwei and Lin Xiaokui, who had been through many battles, had stiff expressions on their faces.

Although there were only a hundred Goblins in front of them, the huge Goblin that was riding the giant snow-white wolf and leading the team was enough to wipe out any team of 50…

That's right, a Regional Overlord was such a terrifying existence!

"Our luck this time is really shocking." Lu Jin felt quite pressured when he saw the huge Goblin.

In a normal Regional Dungeon, there was not even a 2% chance that a Regional Overlord would appear. It was almost impossible to find one usually. The chance of coincidentally encountering one was equivalent to that of getting a Magical accessory.

Goblin King, Regional Overlord, Level 12.

Basic stats

Strength: Rank 'A'

Agility: Rank 'B'

Endurance: Rank 'A'

Neural Reaction: Rank 'B'

In the Goblin King's internal data scan, the data in all aspects had completely exceeded that of Intermediate Adventurers, and was even stronger than some Senior Adventurers. Under normal circumstances, if there were less than 50 Junior Adventurers whose basic stats had reached the peak of Level 12, it could be said that there was basically no chance, let alone a team that did not even have 50 people.

"CEO Lu, let's drive straight there!" Su Tongwei couldn't help but suggest as she looked at the slowly approaching Goblin.

If it was just a Regional Boss, with the strength of their team, they could still fight. However, facing a Regional Overlord, they were simply courting death.

The only way was to get rid of the Regional Overlord through the electronic armor.

"No! Given the Regional Overlord's speed, I'm afraid that the electronic armor will be destroyed before we can even run a kilometer away. At that time, we'll be facing the Regional Overlord's attack in the truck. It's simply a dead end." Lu Jin shook his head.

The speed of the Regional Overlord was astonishing. Even if one drove a sports car, they might not even be able to escape, let alone a truck.

"Hahaha, let's see what else you all can do to arrive on time."

Wang Zhonghu looked at the Regional Overlord which was getting closer and closer. Although he had mixed feelings, he was still happy overall. After all, Xia Qingyao's batch of salt would definitely not make it in time. They would complete the mission, but the price of that mission would have been a little high.

"Looks like I can only risk my life!"

After observing the Goblin King for a while, Lu Jin gritted his teeth and invited Xu Xiaotian, Tang Yan, Su Tongwei, Lin Xiaokui and other non-members of the four major families. There were a total of 21 people.

"CEO Lu?" Su Tongwei looked at Lu Jin, who suddenly sent her a team invitation, and was puzzled.

Although transportation teams would sometimes form a team when traveling far away, at their level, they basically wouldn't accidentally injure others. Furthermore, because they had a team, they would tend to have a companion status bar in their view, which would affect their individual vision. Therefore, most transportation teams rarely formed teams when traveling.

Moreover, even if they formed a team now, it was impossible to change the current unfavorable situation. Instead it would cause some negative effects in their battle.

"You all just have to agree to it. I have a skill that can improve your strength." Lu Jin did not explain further and merely gave a perfunctory reply.

His innate talent of Myriad Wishes could be said to be his greatest secret.

Originally, he wanted to nurture a group of trusted subordinates before he used his innate talent. However, now that he was facing a Regional Overlord, he had to save lives and couldn't care too much.

"Improve our strength?"

Although Su Tongwei found it strange, there were all kinds of strange skills in Fantasy World. Skills that could improve the combat power of battle companions were not nonexistent. Besides, it was rumored that Lu Jin had mastered a skill and might really have such a powerful skill. Hence, Su Tongwei got everyone to agree to Lu Jin's team invitation.