
Here I am standing face to face with my ex-boyfriend Edward whom I don't even know how he got into this place, and not just it now my half brother is standing just a few meters away from me after he just shot my husband with an arrow and he doesn't even seem perturbed, he just stood there grinning like an idiot he was.

After I stared at Logain for some time, I turned back to speak to Edward.

"Edward you know I can assure you that whatever..... What?" I started but when I turned around he was gone. I looked around to see if I'd find him but I didn't and when I turned to look in the direction I saw Logain, he too was gone. "Where did they go?" I muttered but quickly remembering my husband was hurt I hurried away to go get him some treatment.

When I came back I met him still there but his wound was gone.

"What? What happened?" I asked.

"What?" Liam asked pretending not to understand what I was saying.

"What happened to you?" I asked again.

"You asked me to stay here and I did so what are you talking about?" He responded.

"Not that, you know what I'm asking you, Liam. You had a deep cut on your arm, where is it?"

"It was not that deep wife."

"Yes, it was. Okay, where is it?" I was looking at his arm and there was not even a scar there and believe me I'm sure he had a cut. Very sure.

"Forget about my arm. Who was that guy?" He asked me.

My heart skipped a little "what guy?" I asked.

"You were talking to someone earlier Nardin. Who is he? I've seen him with you before."

What?! How? And where has he seen us?

"He's no one, Liam. I have to hurry up and go address the council." I said and quickly left.

That night I was sitting alone in front of the mirror. I was half-naked as I just had a warm bath. Irene was not around, she had earlier gone to her place. I was looking into the mirror in deep thoughts when the door opened and Liam made his way in. I quickly grabbed some sheets and covered up myself.

"Liam! You know it's polite to knock don't you?" I yelled.

"This is my room, Nardin." He responded.

"Well, you share it with someone now."

"Who, my wife?" He said peering into my eyes.

"Don't look at me like that." I said to him.

"Like what? My wife?"

"Liam you never wanted me to be your wife."

"Well you are now, and you're covering up too much."

On hearing him say that my heartbeat got a little faster. slowly, he was coming close to me.

"You know wife, I may not have married you myself but the moment I realized you were my wife I accepted it."

"What are you saying, Liam?"

"Not because my father and mother already brought you home but because I liked you the very first day I set my eyes on you in that hallway. You got my attention, Nardin." He said and stopped right in front of me with his face only a few inches away from mine.

"Liam I... I... I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything right now. I know you might be scared of me but..." He continued but I put a finger over his lip to shut him up.

"I was before when I met you at first but not anymore." I whispered and put both arms over his neck. "And that first time we met in the hallway, I liked you too but I thought I was married to your father." I said and touched his lips while looking from his lips to his eyes. I know I was scared of him a little bit but mostly scared of my desires of him but then I wanted to feel his lips on mine and his hands on my body.

"What are you doing wife? Stop it." He whispered.

"Why? I want you, Liam, I mean you're my husband so why can't we be like this?" I said as I ran my hands through his chest.

"Stop it, Nardin."

"No husband, I'm not stopping it." I responded and gently planted a kiss on his lips, that was when he pushed me towards the wall and pinned me there with his body.

I could tell he was credibly sexually stimulated but strangely, in an unnatural way perhaps. He had me pinned to the wall and was breathing heavily. There was somewhat anger in his eyes and he looked like he was trying to keep his demons under control but it was a very difficult thing for him to do.

"Liam, what is going on? You're holding me so tightly." I said expecting him to loosen his grip on me but instead, he tightened it.

"Liam you're hurting me." I winced in pain but he was way stronger than I was.

Suddenly he let go of me "get out Nardin." He said sharply with his breath still heavy and his eyes not meeting mine anymore.

"I'm not going until you tell me what in the light's name is wrong with you." I responded.

"I've told you, get out now." He said in a gross voice.

I know Liam hasn't exactly been nice but today was way different. He looked like he was going to kill me. I remembered lady Nina immediately. 'Hold on, could this have been how he killed her?' I thought to myself and quickly fled the room banging the door behind me.

I rushed into Queen Charlotte's room with the sheets hanging dangerously on my body. They were almost falling off as I ran.

"Queen Charlotte?" I badged into her room without knocking.

"Nardin. What is this, go put some clothes on." She said.

"Not when death awaits me in that room." I said.

"What are you saying?" She asked.

"Mother, don't you think it's time for you to tell me what is going on with my husband? He looks like a demon right now." I said with tears in my eyes. This time I wasn't angry, I was hurt. Hurt that nobody wanted me to know what was going on. I think calling Queen Charlotte mother moved her emotions as she motioned for me to sit.

"I'll get you some clothes and tell you everything." She said and started walking over to her wardrobe.