Always together

Chapter 205: Always together

After disappearing into a bustling crowd, Sara found an empty alley.

Using the inventory system, she equipped herself with camouflage clothes. She wore glasses, a long hat, and quite thick clothes to hide her curves. In such an outfit, Sara was utterly uncomfortable.

However, it was necessary to not attract any attention. She also had become closer with some players, so Sara knew that most of them also dealt with the same problem.

She opened her map, glancing toward her pin-pointed safe routes. Even though Damon Mouga didn't seem keen on chasing or killing her, Sara cautiously trod on her secret mission.

'It's impossible to clear this one… Damon Mouga has already made contact with the hungry demons. Their offer is too good for him to pass, and The Berden Kingdom won't believe me should I tell them about his plans.