Remia's introduction

Chapter 260: Remia's introduction

Remia's case was quite different than others.

Her relationship with Alex wasn't as deep as theirs, and her circumstances were much different.

She persisted with her feelings until Alex gave her a chance. And because of that chance, Remia wasn't sure whether she should introduce herself as his lover.

But as everyone's eyes landed on her, Remia blushed, regretting her words. Perhaps, she had been worried too much about it.

And that was indeed the case.

Alex approached the fairy in her human form, staring into her eyes intensely, "It's true that our circumstances were different, and I wasn't sure about our relationship. But after giving you a chance, I will confidently say it, Remia.

You are one of us, and you have a place in my heart," Alex smiled, recalling all Remia had done to him and his family before officially becoming his lover.

And after she joined his family, Remia continued to work hard for everyone's sake.