Chapter 42

Centrepieces. An item intended to be the focus of attention.

They were what the obelisks were referred to as by the humans on Earth.

Unparalleled in height, these alien structures earned their positions as 'Kings' amongst all of humanity's infrastructure.

Thinking about the pillar of light that pierced the sky, Idris couldn't help but clench his Mona Lisa as he recalled Theodore's vague statements about the mysterious obelisks.

"Though that alien structure ain't omnipotent, it might have something you're looking for…" His seemingly implausible praise reverberated in Idris's mind.

Theodore was his closest friend, the only person other than his family who understood him.

Though he was infamous for making bold statements, he would never lie about matters relating to Idris's world.

Idris, Theodore and Qi Rui lead the descent down the vacant staircases, their footsteps echoing in the dark stairwells, loudly and confidently. On the other hand, many survivors trailed fast behind hesitantly, fearful of the unknown.

"Hey Theodore, since you're so knowledgable, could you explain to me what these things are?" On the 25th floor, Idris crouched down and located a glimmering gemstone. It was mesmerizing but dull in comparison to the light blue gem he had found earlier.

"It's a matter of time my guild learnt more about the apocalypse." Nodding, Theodore received the gemstone from Idris and pressed it with his thumb. Despite its tough appearance, the gemstone instantly disintegrated into white dust. "This here is what we call a soul fragment."

As Theodore began to explain the origins and features of the gemstone, a gleam escaped the crushed soul fragment, integrating into his flesh through his fingertips.

The survivors who decided to follow closely behind the three were undoubtedly invited by Theodore to revive his mighty guild. After witnessing Theodore's marvellous flames, it was hard for anybody to reject an offer with so much potential.

Harrowing darkness and the pungent stench of blood encapsulated the stairwell. Hiding under the light of the three people leading the way, the new guild members felt comfort and security. Theodore's introduction of a whole new reality had altered their perspectives. With their hearts at ease, the unknown no longer felt unwelcoming.

Arriving at the 2nd-floor stairwell, Idris halted at where the mayhem initiated. The carnage on the first floor was left untouched. Encrusted with blood and flesh residue, they dripped off the white ceilings and walls. The hulking zombie with the long tongue had vanished long ago, along with every other hungry zombie in the building.

"This is a miracle…" Walking down the final flight of stairs, Theodore glanced out the agape exit doors. "They're all gone." He gasped.

The several mangled corpses that held open the emergency exit door remained. Zombies that had plagued the grand lobby of the office building had evaporated into thin air, leaving behind scattered corpses that were too mutilated to reanimate and allowing them to rot in peace.

Sallow skin, unnatural jittering, tattered clothing. They were all gone.

The threat was officially over.

"Woooo!" The survivors exploded into cheers and tears. They embraced one another, thankful for the end of this disaster.

"This is unbelievable, but my eyes are not deceiving me…" Theodore muttered. He landed the first step onto the porcelain tiles of the building's lobby, its intricate marbling smeared rudely with crimson blood.

Perhaps it was the juxtaposition between all the chaos and this serene ambience messing with his mind. So many years of working in this dull commercial building, yet, this environment felt nostalgic.

"Big brain, what do you think caused this?" Qi Rui asked. She swatted the white particles floating in the air, dispersing them.

Theodore shook his head. "This is beyond me. I've never seen such a scenario happen before." Suddenly, his eyes landed on the towering man behind him, the family-orientated man who had survived the siege of a Category One zombie.

It was true that he has never seen such a bizarre phenomenon in his past life on Earth. However, he cannot forget that he was now on Terra, a planet with more inhabitants than Earth. It was destined to construct a whole new story and a different outcome.

"Idris, how did you survive your ordeal?" Theodore questioned.

Recollecting the memories after passing out from the pain, Idris could only shake his head. "I don't know. I was blacked out. When I woke up, they were just gone in a blink of an eye."

"I see. Guess we'll have to leave it unexplained for now." Idris's response did not waver Theodore. Composing himself, Theodore raised his arms like a guide gathering his sightseers. "Um-hum, attention all guild members!"

Attracting the attention of his new followers, Theodore cleared his throat and continued. "Our next destination will be the obelisk. It is only two streets away from our location, so we need to remain organized…" Theodore's thin frame emitted supremacy and authority as he barked out commands, splitting the dozen of survivors into groups and electing temporary group leaders without wasting a minute.

"He sure is attractive like this." Leaning towards Idris, Qi Rui whispered as she fidgeted a strand of hair. "Are you sure he's not a trained professional in management?"

Idris answered, crossing his muscular arms. "We worked in the same department for years. Never knew this side of him existed."

"I wonder how far he'll be able to take us through this apocalypse?" Squinting her eyes, Qi Rui licked her glossy lips. "I'll let time tell."

Before the lagging group of survivors could even reach the 1st floor, Idris and Theodore's small guild had embarked on their journey. They carefully avoided the shattered shards of glass obstructing their path, maneuvering through the street and eliminating zombies silently.

The moonlight was dim, adjusting the visibility of the night to the minimum. It unintentionally aided them in their stealthy procedures as the wandering zombies tripped over pavements clumsy, their bad vision aggravating even further.

Crushing a passerby zombie's skull, Qi Rui weaved behind a sports car and signalled the group behind her to come forth. "Quick right to the green garbage truck. In 3… 2… 1… Go."

Their legs shuffled past the corpses and debris blocking the street, sneaking towards the opposite sidewalks.

Idris, not leading any specific party, patiently waited inside the building. With the massive build he possessed, he'd rather be the last to leave rather than compromise the mission.

The gloomy clouds above head masked the luminous dual moons, absorbing their dreamy moonlight. Amongst the cluster of clouds resided a foreign object, brushing past the shifting fluffs and accompanying the stars. Its dark shadow cast onto the dwarfing skyscrapers, enhancing its domineering presence.

Seizing this opportunity, Idris advanced and followed in their footsteps. They crossed paths with luxury stores and fancy restaurants that had been overrun by zombies, ducking below the window sills to avoid detection. The metal infrastructure congesting human's angle of elevation made way as the group approached the obelisk's vicinity.

Tilting his head up, what Idris witnessed was beyond his vocabulary.

A majestic tower stood between four gigantic skyscrapers where an outdoor ice rink used to exist, shooting up into the depths of the cosmos.

Rocky textures ran down the shafts of the obelisk like a work of art. The abstract patterns and subtle ridges cascaded down the crust of the mountain, emulating the greatest wonders of the universe. The more Idris stared, the more enchanting it felt. There was an innate cohesion luring him in, unwinding every thought of resistance in his heart.

Idris took a step forward.

The irresistible sensation enraptured his soul as he felt himself being dragged into a void of ecstasy. He immediately nuzzled the cardboard picture frame in his front suit pocket to calm his mind. Exerting all his might, Idris jostled his head away from the obelisk.

That's when he finally noticed the thousands of figures surrounding the obelisk. Survivors like him were taking slow steps towards the ethereal obelisk, their transfixed eyes radiated utter fascination and obsession.

"Let it consume you, Idris." Theodore's voice emanated from behind. Without Idris's realization, he has approached even closer to the divine obelisk. However, as compared to others, his resistance and willpower was considered outstanding.

Several humans were already within reach of the obelisk. The craggy surface of the obelisk seemed to have flawlessly transformed into a malleable substance as it gently sucked in the humans effortlessly, transporting them within.

"This is how humanity starts to establish itself! Come, Idris. Humanity needs to prevail this time." Theodore's words travelled into Idris's mind.

Sauntering towards the obelisk, Theodore turned around care freely and gestured Idris to follow him. What felt like an overwhelming attraction to Idris was merely a stroll in the park for Theodore.

"You can fight all you want, Idris! But I'll be waiting for you when we both get out. I hope you receive the best news of your life in there!" Theodore laughed, allowing the last member of his guild to melt into the obelisk before sinking into the jello material and disappearing.

"Best news of my life…" Murmuring, Idris's eyes sparked with determination. Patting his Mona Lisa, Idris mustered up his courage and allowed his fingertips to touch the rocky surface of the obelisk.

Ripples creased the ethereal design of the obelisk. A pleasing sensation wrapped around Idris's rough hands and pulled him in tenderly. This touch felt like his wife's soft hands on graduation night, the very pair of hands that patiently guided his very first dance, step by step.

As a drop of tear splattered onto the earth, Idris's towering figure had merged into the obelisk.