Chapter 4: Comeback

Rei's Point of View

"Come with me later at the music club, Iza huh?" I was with Iza because Yana and Kyla didn't come to school.

"What are you going to do there? You're going to visit that cute again?" She rolled her eyes.

I approached her, "As for you, are you jealous?" I teased her.

"No ah." He answered sparingly.

I teased her even more, "Hey, you're jealous."

"You take care of that." She left the room and screamed from there.

"Just call me when you're going there, huh?"

Laine's Point of View

I was going to the cafeteria for breakfast today when I met Shane.

She was confused and she was totally upset.

I startled her and that worked. "Are you okay?"

I was waiting for her to answer but she still didn't say a word.

"Did something happen?" I added but she didn't answer again.

She was staring at her phone and at the food she was holding now. I took her phone from her hand and opened it.

Beatrice's text message came to me.

'I'm coming back.'

I covered my mouth and stood in front of Shane.

She finally looked at me I saw that she was already crying. She immediately hugged me tightly.

"She's totally unfair." She said slowly but there was already a trace of the pain she was feeling as she let go of those lines.

"She just left suddenly then then she'll make me feel like nothing happened now."

Now she is sobbing in tears. I could do nothing but to caress her back and calm her down now.

Plenty of students are already glaring at us earlier so I invited Shane to come to the faculty room since we also had a meeting later before posting the result of the auditions yesterday. We're not going to bother to put Shane down now. Jax even bought a lot of ice cream and food just to calm Shane down but they had no effect on her.

"When is she supposed to come?" Jax asked Shane.

"I-I don't k-know." Shane sobbed in response while I still couldn't stop talking to her.

After about an hour Shane finally settled in and our meeting was over. Jax has also posted the list of those who have passed our auditions but still no students come here. I also don't see them scattered in the hallways even after lunch break.

Jax shouted at me, looking at his phone. He gasped for breath before he could speak, "I-It's B-Bea!" He said to me.

I frowned, "Oh? What's wrong with Bea?" He handed his phone to me because he couldn't speak properly.

When I played the video there it was Bea's video at the campus gate, a huge pile of freshmans, sophomores, juniors, and seniors waiting for her. Bea is really famous here in the whole university because her parents are key holders here. She is also the top student always in the architecture course. She participates in activities here at school, in fact she is our vice president at the music club so we are close as well as Jax and Shane. I bent down and handed the phone to Jax who was still gasping for breath.

"You come in and don't let Shane go outside, you understand?" He nodded.

I immediately ran down the nursing building but I already met Bea when I arrived at the hallway below. If she was tall before she left here she is even taller now. Her hair is still long and ponytailed like before. She just turned whiter because she was from Canada. She left in the first semester and came back now that the second semester is starting, the news of many is that she did home schooling there. Why did she come back? What for? If she had a good life there, why would she come back here even though he knew Shane was here. I'm sure that's hopeful of her again.

She looked me in the eye and touched my head, "Am I still welcome to our club?" She was smiling the whole time. There was so much noise around us that I dragged her up the nursing building, while her guards blocked the group of students below. As we went up I was still staring at her. I didn't know what to say, I also didn't know what to do. Should I take her to Shane right away? Or should I hide from her that Bea is back?

She shrugged my shoulders and smiled again, "It's like you didn't miss me ah?"

I smiled, "Of course we all missed you! Isn't it obvious from the number of" fans "you greeted?" I teased her.

She lost the smile on her face, as if she was feeling heavy. She stopped walking and so did I.

"Is it S-Shane? How is she?" She asked me.

"S-She's okay somehow but of course even if shea hides it from us we know what happened to you still hurts for her." I answered.

"Why don't you talk to her? Talk to her, she must have a lot to tell you." She nodded and bit her lower lip.

When we entered the faculty room of the music club, Shane was standing there at the door, behind her was Jax, her face full of concern.

She approached Bea and started crying again. "Why did you come back? Didn't you tell me you weren't coming back? You're leaving!" Shane yelled at Bea.

Bea held his hands but Shane dismissed them. "What? You're going to treat me like you've been doing to me before? Do you think I'll forgive you right away and we'll go back to the past that easily?" She scolded Bea again.

Shane bowed and started to cry again while I was unaware that the tears were still slowly dripping from my eyes.

"Every night I wait on the terrace of my room, hoping that you might change your mind and come back to me. Every night I stare at the pictures of the two of us, I remember our memories that you said will never be lost. Every day I'm looking for you here at school, not a day goes by that I don't think of you and look for you even if you tell me you will never come back. " She added.

Bea lifted her face and wiped away her tears.

"I'm like that too, there's never a day that I don't want to come to you because I miss you so much. That's why I'm in front of you now to explain, I want you to forgive me but I also know it's not that easy because it hurts you too. " Bea cried too.

"I-I'm sorry if I hurt you while I'm hurting too." Bea added.

"I want to forgive you but every time I see your face the pain returns to me." Shane groaned while pointing to her heart.

Bea was about to hug her when she suddenly ran out. Bea was left stunned and also crying. I followed Shane because maybe that's what she was going to do and where else was she going but she just ran so fast and I never saw her.

Rei's Point of View

I'm going up to the faculty room of the music club to return Laine's hoodie and to see the results of the auditions yesterday. As I peered inside the paper bag I was holding I bumped into Shane who was bent over and seemed to be crying. She stopped for a moment and looked at me, she was crying!

She was about to run when I grabbed her arm and turned her to face me.

"Why are you crying? Did someone hurt you?" I asked but she still continued to moan.

"Do you need someone to talk to? What happened?" I asked ger again.

She hugged me very tightly and there she spoke calmly, "C-Can I t-talk to you?" I nodded, "Of course, it's possible."

We are on the court now where we are training volleyball. Shane is next to me now who still doesn't stop crying.

"Tell me the story, I'll listen." I offered.

"Do you know B-Bea?" She turned to me and wiped away her tears.

"Bea? The top student here at school but suddenly disappeared like a bubble?" I say straightforwardly.

She bowed and nodded.

"Oh? What's wrong with her?" I added.

"She's back." She answered me sparingly.

Is she back? Why don't I know? We're not close, hehe.

"What now if she's back?" I asked.

She turned to me and sat properly "She's my E-Ex, R-Rei." She replied that I was surprised.