
James picked me up from Ashley's home at around ten. I'm so thankful they are not the type to ask many questions. They asked once and didn't ask for a follow-up on it.

I'm so grateful for their help, without knowing who I am. My life, I owe it to Lara and them. That girl was selfless. She doesn't think of the danger when she helps me. She helps me because I need it.

I smile when I remember her face when Ashley scolded her. She looks like a five-year-old kid being scolded by her mother, twiddling her thumbs on her lap.

She's so cute and beautiful, and at the same time, her smile is contagious. It seems like it brightens the whole room every time she does it.

She looks carefree without a care in the world. And my heart skipped a beat for the first time when she smiled at me. I looked at James, who was already looking at me, waiting for my order.

"Find everything you can about Lara and those men that chased after me. What happened to them?"

"We caught them, boss. They are in the basement."

"Good, leave them there for a while until I get better. Gather information about Lara first."

"What is her surname, boss?"

"I don't know."


"Just do it. She's studying at Seoul University. You start there."

"Okay, boss." I closed my eyes and leaned my weak body on my seat, but I quickly opened my eyes when Lara's smiling face greeted me behind my closed eyelids. I cursed inside.

"What's wrong with me? Why did I see her when I closed my eyes?" I thought and closed my eyes again, and again I saw her there smiling at me. I just sighed and watched her in there until I fell asleep, and even in my dream, she was there, smiling at me.

I cursed inside when James shook me, waking me up from sleep. I opened my eyes, and we had already arrived in the parking lot at my house.

Aron and Mark are already outside, waiting. James stepped out of the car, opened the door on my side, and helped me out.

"Boss!" Aron and Mark greeted me." I nodded at them, and Aron helped James lead me into my room.

"Inform everyone that I'm on vacation for a while. Don't tell anyone what happened. Continue our business as if nothing happened to me."

"Yes, boss," they answered.

"And I want Lara here tomorrow." Aron and Mark looked at me confused but didn't dare ask.

"Yes, boss," James answered. "Do you need anything before we leave, boss?"

"No," I answered, and they quickly left my room. I lay on my bed, thinking about what happened a few days ago.

Those men knew that I was alone, and they knew that I was the one in the car. Someone has tipped them, but who? James, Mark, and Aron, we're the only one who knows where I am, and I'm sure none of them leaked the information. There's a spy, and I'll find out who it is soon. For now, I need to get well more quickly. With the help of Miss Lara, I'm sure she won't let me down when she finds out that no one will take care of me. That girl has no bad bones in her body, and I want her, and I make sure to have her.

The following day, James woke me up to eat so that I could drink my medicine. He asked if he could help me change the bandage on my wounds because that was what Ashley told him, but I declined. I'm waiting for someone to do it later. I smile when I think of Lara.

"Just bring Lara here, and make sure no one sees you. After that, all of you leave and the information about her. I want it tomorrow.

"Yes, boss." He answered without asking questions. I'm not too fond of it when someone questions me, and they don't forget about it.

During lunch, I don't eat because no one will help me bring the food to my room. I ignored my hunger, waiting for the girl to come.

At around five-thirty in the afternoon, I heard a knock at the door, and it was open. James stepped inside, with Lara following behind him. I smile inside as soon as I see her, and my heart skips a beat again when she smiles at me, and I like that feeling.

"Sorry, Lara, for asking for your help to take care of Scott while I'm away. I don't know anyone I could trust to ask for help. We moved here a month ago, and we still don't know anyone. I have a significant business tonight, and I don't know when it will end."

"It's okay. I have nothing to do anyway, and my house is just two blocks away from here."

See, she's kind. A smile formed on my lips this time that didn't escape from the hawk eye of my right hand, but I knew he wouldn't ask or tease me if he valued his life.

"Wait, you're living near us?" I asked, and she nodded her head, smiling. "Why haven't I seen you before?"

"You just moved here, that's why, and I always stay at home." She explained.

"Thank you, Lara. I need to leave now. My business meeting is significant, and my presence is needed there." James said.

"It's okay, but I wondered why you have a business meeting at night. Is it normal?" James chuckled awkwardly.

"Yes, it's normal."

"Okay, then. You need to go. Don't worry. Your friend looks harmless." James looked at me, and I knew he wanted to laugh but held himself, but I quickly glared at him.

"Thank you once again, Lara. Scott! I'm going." He said instead.

"Okay, make sure you finish your work before returning." He nodded his head. He already knew what I meant before he stepped out of the door.

"Scott, haven't you changed since yesterday? The clothes you're wearing are the ones you were wearing before I left yesterday. "

"What can I do? No one will help me," I explained. She sighed.

"Where are your clothes?"

"Over there." I pointed at my closet. She quickly stood up and went to it. She pulled out a shirt and a boxer. What the... Don't tell me she'll change my boxer too?" I watched her when she returned to me and lay the clothes on my bed.


"Over there." She quickly went inside it, and after a few minutes, she returned with a small basin and a face towel.

"You don't have to do this, Lara. You can help me change the bandage on my wound. I'll ask James to help me change my clothes when he returns.

"You didn't hear him? He said he didn't know when he was going to finish. If you wait for him to change, you'll wear those clothes for forty-eight hours. That's disgusting, Scott."

Shit why haven't I thought about it earlier? I should ask James to help me change my clothes before he leaves. I've been naked in front of many girls before, but with Lara, I feel shy instantly.

She set the basin on the bedside table, then sat beside me. " Come sit down." She held my shoulder and helped me sit, leaning my back on the headboard.

I watch her slowly open the button on my top without hesitation. I sighed and just watched her. After she completely opened it, she slowly removed it from me. She picked up the face towel and dipped it in the water, and squeezed it. Slowly, she wiped my face down on my neck, arms, and body with my eyes, not leaving her total concentration on the work at hand.

She's gorgeous; she has flawless skin and plump lips. It looks so soft and kissable. I gulped down and quickly looked away when she looked at me.

"I'll remove the bandage from your wounds to clean them and apply some antiseptic, okay?." She said. Her minty breath fanned my face, sending shivers all over my body.

I never felt this way with any girl I'd been with before. I've been with many women, but they never make me feel this way. Lara, she's waking up something inside me I couldn't handle, and she's the only one who can calm it down. And I only met her a few days ago, and how she affects me scared me.

Carefully, she removed the bandage and cleaned my wound. After that, she applied some antiseptic and bandaged it back again.

She smells so good. Her hair smells like lavender, and it looks so soft and smooth. It reaches her waist, auburn and slightly curly, and looks good on her.

After bandaging my wounds, she helped me wear my shirt, but I cursed and grabbed her hand when she tried to pull my pants down.

"How can you change if you don't remove your pants?"

"I will do it," I said.

"Are you sure you can do it? Don't worry. I won't look." She giggled. This girl is teasing me.

"Yes, I can do it. Can you help me order some food? I haven't eaten lunch earlier."

"Why? Aishh!!! Never mind. Okay, you change. Is it okay if I go to your kitchen? Delivered food is not good for you. I'll see what I can cook."

"It's okay. I already burden you a lot. Just order food for me."

"You already burden me. Why not burden me all the way." She said with that smile on her lips again.

"Okay, thank you."

"Now change, be careful of your wounds. They might open again, and call me if you need help. I don't mind." She giggled and left the room.

A smile formed on my lips. She was carefree, and she came to help when I asked for it, although she didn't know who I was. She trusted everyone so fast, and it wasn't good for her. She might trust the wrong person one day. I sighed and pulled my pants down, enduring the pain in my chest. It's better than Lara seeing me naked.

I winced in pain when I leaned down a little when I slipped on a new boxer. I pant like I ran a mile just by pulling my boxer up. I lay back on my bed, panting, and my wound hurt slightly.

I patiently waited for Lara to return, but I bolted from the bed when I heard her shriek. I groaned in pain. I think my wounds opened again.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, don't worry. I just accidentally touched the burning pot." She screamed from the kitchen. I cursed and lay back on my bed, wincing. I felt something wet on my chest. I cursed again.

"Lara!! I weakly called out, "Lara!!

"Yes! She burst through the door carrying a tray of food. She sat it on the bedside table first before he faced me.

"Are you alright?" She asked when she saw my face contorted in pain.

"I'm not. I think my wound is bleeding." I whispered.

"What?" She quickly pulled my shirt up and gasped. "Oh god, oh god. A lot of blood." She panicked. She rushed to her bag in the corner and quickly pulled her phone out.

"Ashley!! I need your help. Scott, his wound is bleeding a lot. I will give you the address to come here soon." She said, then hung up. She went inside the bathroom, and when she returned, she was carrying a basin and a towel again. She set it on the floor, then sat on the edge of my bed.

"What happened? Why are your wounds bleeding?" She asked, wiping the sweat on my forehead and face.

"You startled me when you screamed. I thought someone had broken into the house, and I bolted up from bed." I explained, biting my lower lips. My wound was painful, as if it was hit by a bullet again.

"Sorry. What took Ashley for so long?" She muttered while wiping my face and neck.

"Calm down. I'm fine. I won't die with this." I joked to lighten the mood. I chuckled when she bolted outside when the doorbell rang. A few minutes later, she came back with Ashley following behind her.

Ashley quickly came beside me. She removed my shirt, removed the bandage on my wound, and shook her head when she saw my open wounds.

"What did you do? Why is your wound open again?"

"It's my fault. I screamed when I burned my hand, and Scott thought someone broke inside the house, so he bolted up from the bed." Lara explained. Ashley sighed but smiled, shaking her head.

"Why are you here, acting as a nurse?" She questioned while he bandaged back my wound after she cleaned and applied an antiseptic on it.

"He asked for my help because no one would help him." Ashley raised her eyebrows but didn't utter a word.

"Don't stay too late outside, Lara. It's dangerous." Ashley said after she returned her things to her bag.

"Okay, I'll go home after Scott eats his dinner."

"Okay, Scott, don't force yourself to move around for a while. Wait for two to three days."

"Okay, and thank you, Ashley, for coming."

"It's okay. Lara, you go home after. You have class."

"Okay, Mom." She pouted but winced when Ashley smacked her head.

"Stop smacking me. I got a lot from school already." She pouted.

"Then stop answering me with sarcasm, and besides, it's your fault why your classmates bully you." She glared at her and left without saying goodbye.

"Don't mind her. She's just a mother hen, but she's an excellent friend, together with Owen." She said, smiling.

"She cares for you."

"I know. Now eat. I need to be home at eleven, or Ashley will return to get me and drag me out of your house." She said and helped me to sit up. She placed a pillow behind me and let me lean on the headboard. She picked up a bowl of porridge from the tray and fed me.

"Scott, what is your surname? If you don't mind me asking,"


"Miller??? Why does it sound familiar? Miller, Scott Miller. " She gasped, eyes widening. She put the bowl back on the tray and looked at me closely.

"Scott Miller, as in Scott Miller, the owner of Miller's. Corps." She asked. I chuckled but nodded my head.

"What??? Then why not hire a nurse to care for you or go to the Hospital? You have a lot of money."

"I don't trust anyone."

"And you trust me, a stranger?"

"Lara, if you want me dead, you already left me in the parking lot bleeding, but you did not. You save me. That's enough reason to trust you."

"You have a point there, but still...

"Lots of people want me dead. I'm just being careful." She nodded her head this time, picked up the porridge, and resumed feeding me.

"I didn't know that Scott Miller was young. I thought you were an older man because the media can't produce a photo of you. Always a representative and a lawyer.

"I just don't want to expose my handsome face." I chuckled when she rolled her eyes.

"How about you, Lara? What is your surname?"

"My name is Lara Carter." I stiffened, and a smile broke my lips. "What a small world," I thought. Unexpectedly, I raised my hand and caressed her face.

"What?" She asked and pulled away from my touch.

"Sorry, there's something on your face." I lied.

" How old are you, Lara?"

"I'm eighteen." She answered and resumed feeding me. I smiled, looking at her. My little wife, finally, I found you. I'm so mad at your grandfather for forcing me to sign the marriage contract without knowing and seeing you. But I need to do it so that the members will agree to pass down the leadership to me, And another reason why I have second thoughts about it. I thought you were the same as those daughters of high-ranking officials of our organization, all stock up bitch, but now that I see you, I think your grandfather did an excellent job. You are mine without your knowing it, Lara. You know you are Blade's wife, but you don't know that Scott Miller and Blade are one person. You are mine, and I'll make you fall for me without forcing you.

I know why you're hiding from your grandfather. It's because of me, Blade, your husband.

"Scott, you're done eating. I need to go home now. Ashley will call me any minute from now, and when she finds out that I'm not home, she'll come back here and drag me home."

She gasped when I wrapped my arms around her. "Scott, what's wrong? Are you in pain again?"

"Thank you, thank you, Lara, thank you." She smiled this time and pulled away from the hug.

"You already said thank you many times. And I'll tell you it's okay. I did it because I wanted to. Now, lie down so that I can go home. Do you need anything before I go?"

"Can you help me take my medicine from the drawer?" She quickly took it and handed it to me.

"Here." I took it from her hand and popped a capsule in my mouth, and she held the glass to my lips. I smiled, then took a sip and swallowed the medicine.

Thank you."

"Welcome. I need to go now. Bye, Mr. Miller."

"Take care, Lara." She nodded, grinning, then carried the tray back to the kitchen. I heard the front door close, slumping down on my bed. I picked up my phone on my bedside table and made a call.

"Hello, boss."

"Stop gathering information about Lara, and put two of our trusted men to guard her wherever she goes. Tell them to make sure she doesn't notice them."

"Yes! Boss." He answered, and I quickly hung up. I redialed another number, and after three rings, he picked it up.


"Found her, and she saved my life."

"I heard about it. I think you are fated for each other. The situation brought you together. What will you do now? Do you have any plans to introduce yourself to her?" To tell her who you are?"

"No, I'll stay as Scott for her."

"Be careful. Her parents and I didn't hide her for eighteen years just for you to expose her identity to the underground world."

"I will, and thank you for forcing me to sign those marriage contracts two years ago." He heard the person on the other side chuckle.

"I know you'll fall for her the time you meet her. No one can resist the charm of that child, but be careful. She came from the underworld. Anyone that comes from the underworld is not as harmless as they look. I know that girl very well. I raised her.

"You mean...

"I won't tell you. You find it yourself. Bye, Blade, and take care of my dear granddaughter. I forced her to sign those marriage contracts because I know you are the only one with the power to protect her. See you soon." He said and hung up.

My sweet and innocent little wife turned out not so innocent then. I want to see the real Lara Carter, then.