The Shop

It's been 2 weeks that she's been staying in the north. Cassandra is walking down the street of the town she is currently in. The town was several times wide; the floor was all concrete and there are steel walls that surround the town.

A large, enormous fountain is in the center of the place like the one you see in parks. Died trees are everywhere, and it covered the whole place with snow.

Cassandra felt like she really entered the war zone. The poorly made buildings and houses were comprised of wood and stone with a black-tiled roof. Some gigantic buildings have some column curve structures, as you see on monuments. In the center, you can see an enormous palace, with a bronze door and large towers.

In the south corner there was an impressive building structure that looked like a temple, and a big lake on the side, although it was frozen.

A six-story tall wooden watchtowers are posted on each corner of the enormous gates in the front, back, and side, next to a large barracks for soldiers to train. A Lot of military equipment was shown in the barracks: a hundred dozen shields, swords, spears, and bows.

A dozen of soldiers went to and from the barracks, carrying weapons, repairing armors, and polishing weapons.

Cassandra just passes by them and continues walking down the street into the market. Actually, she thought the town was kind of weird because the people here looked kind of depressed and frightening, maybe because the war is still going on and the people here can be just comfortable.

This place was protected by the grand duke of the human kingdom from the demons because this area is the first border that connects to the demon kingdom and if a wave of demons breaks out the defenses of this area it would likely everyone will die, luckily the grand duke was strong and can't be easily defeated, some rumor says that the grand duke was actually a demon pretending to be human because of his supernatural abilities.

'I've never really seen the duke so I can't tell,' Cassandra thought.

But in this place, all non-humans live here., they are not pure humans but half-humans like demi-humans. That's what they called it. They send the demi-human to this place to fight a war against the demons.

"Looks like a human child," a man said that looked like a snake said 'what is she doing here?" they whispered

Cassandra just ignored the demi-human that is looking at her. She looked around at the market to find a cheap store she could buy with the money she got from the innkeeper that she was currently staying with and looked at the poached.


CURRENT: 2 silver coins and 1 gold]

[money value:]

platinum= 30 gold

1 gold= 20 silver

1 silver =10 bronze

1 bronze = 5 nickel

"It's a little of money, but I can buy clothes and some food using this, '' she mumbled. As she scans through the stores, she sees this one old-looking shop that looks like it's gonna break if you kick it.

"Happy shopping," she read the sign in front of the store. Cassandra entered the store and a bell in the door rings but no one answered.

She looked at the store and it was full of dust and cobwebs like it hadn't been clean for decades "hello?" she called trying to find somebody inside, but no one answered. She went through the pile of books and papers.

"What kind of store is this that it was so dirty?" she mumbled.

Then a man suddenly spoke "I'm sorry about that" he said "I forgot to clean because I'm busy." he continued then he dropped some boxes on the top of the shelves. Cassandra looked up and saw the man was at the top of the ladder rumbling on things.

She didn't realize that the store was small outside, and it was big inside. It was magical. Then She saw different things in the store like books, dresses, armor, weapons. "You sell a lot of stuff here," she said.