Never is a Very Long Time

Ashleigh was left at the door of her room. The attending wolf had not been rude, but he had not been particularly kind either.

“Colder than Winter lands, these wolves.”

Ashleigh looked over to the man who was staying in the room next to hers, he was the pack member she had traveled with. His name was Saul.

She didn’t know him well, he was an older man, greying around the edges. They had trained in many of the same areas but had never worked directly


“I don’t suspect our people will welcome them with any more warmth,” she replied with a smile.

He grunted a chuckle and nodded before entering his room.

Ashleigh opened her door and gasped in surprise as she looked around the room. The entire place had been decorated in the style of Winter, with furs and leathers. Even the decorations on the wall were primarily constructed of old wood and metal.