Always, Brother

Before returning to the cabin he shared with Caleb, Galen had stopped by the car looking for some of the road snacks Fiona had entrusted him with. He was disappointed to find he had already devoured all the chocolate Pocky. Seeing one package of the strawberry flavor left, he smiled and went on his way, whistling once more.

He stopped whistling as he approached the door and tried to put a neutral expression on his face. Then, quickly chewing up the last two Pocky sticks before reaching for the handle.

He walked in to find his alpha sitting in one of the reading chairs by a small fireplace.

“Did you have a good walk?” Galen asked as he closed the door.

Caleb glanced up at him without an answer as he took a sip from the mug in his hand.

“Why yes, Galen, I find myself calm and filled with the serene energies of the Goddess,” Galen said with the high-pitched voice of a cartoon character.

Caleb raised an eyebrow and looked away.