Wasn't Expecting Company

Caleb arrived in Galen’s room not long after Peter had left. The two friends joked and chatted for a moment before sharing the critical details of their respective days. Caleb explained what had happened with Ashleigh and what followed with her family.

Galen was shocked and confused by the diagnosis. He had never heard of the mating sickness and worried that it might influence Caleb at the full moon the next night.

“From what I read on the subject, Ashleigh will take the brunt of the bond during this moon. The main reason that Bell elected to keep her sedated was because of the intensity of the bond. So Ashleigh will be feeling it for both of us,” Caleb replied, correcting himself, “or, I suppose, all three of us.”

Galen’s eyes widened. Remembering the full moon in Summer, he couldn’t help but wonder if sedation was enough.

“In theory, I won’t feel much of anything….” Caleb’s voice drifted off.

Galen looked at his friend. He smiled softly.