Not In the Best Condition

Bell arrived at Renee’s home to find a small group gathered outside.

“What’s going on?” she asked as she approached.

“Renee didn’t show up for her class today, and no one could get a hold of her, so we sent Trevor to check on her.”

The woman indicated a man that sat on the ground holding his arm to his chest and talking with Peter.

Bell was surprised to see him.

“Peter?” she called out.

Peter glanced up; he raised his hand, telling her to wait a moment. He finished talking to the man on the ground and then approached her, pulling her away from the group.

“Hey,” he began, “when was the last time you talked to Renee?”

“A few days ago… maybe two nights before the full moon,” Bell replied, “Why? What’s going on?”

Bell looked around at each person, but she didn’t see her friend.

“Where is she?” Bell asked.

“Inside, no one has been able to get her out. Trevor tried, but….” Peter trailed off, glancing back at the man still sitting on the ground.