A Date

Once Ashleigh was settled into her room, she joined Caleb for dinner at the restaurant she had no idea existed until that evening.

“This is one of three,” Caleb said as they sat at their table. “One is a deli, it’s between the medical and science sectors. The other is more of a buffet style place near the training grounds.”

“That makes sense,” Ashleigh replied. “The medical and science wolves are likely more interested in the speed a deli offers so they can return to their research. While the buffet style caters to the hunger that comes from intense training.”

“Exactly,” Caleb smiled.

“So, what does this one cater to?” Ashleigh asked looking around.

She noted the tables were all nicely spread apart, giving each table their privacy. The décor was mostly in burgundies and greys, a small light hung above each table, offering just enough light to read the menu.