Always Been Yours

Bell had told Axel that whoever his patient was, they needed rest. She had instructed Axel to not let them go anywhere for at least another twenty-four hours. And so, Axel’s return to Winter had been put on hold for another day.

But the idea of staying in a hospital or clinic room any longer was not one that Alice was willing to go along with.

Axel was glad to find that there was a small house behind the clinic. He guessed it had been used for guests visiting the pack. There were no pictures or personal touches, just essential furnishings and a few decorations.

It was more than enough for their needs, and it kept them from having to explore the homes that had been in use during the attack.

Alice had found a pair of scrubs in one of the closets of the clinic that fit her. She got dressed and left the room, seeing Axel standing just outside the clinic finishing up a call.