Pound of Flesh

Two hours after the moon had already risen, the door to his cell was opened.

Granger swallowed and stood up from his place on the bed. Saul and another guard stepped into the cell. After placing new restraints on him, Saul led him from the room.

“So…” Granger started to speak.

“I have been given permission to remove your tongue, if necessary,” Saul replied.

Granger swallowed and closed his mouth.

He was led through the streets of what used to be his home. Men and women he recognized stared at him with a mixture of anger and horror.

Granger clenched his jaw as he searched the faces. None of them mattered. The only one that mattered was Ashleigh.

He looked away from their faces with boredom.

A sharp pain hit the back of his head. He let out a grunt.

“Guards!” Saul shouted.

Granger reached his bound hands up to his head. Pulling away, he saw the red liquid on his fingertips. He looked up to see a woman being restrained by guards.