Ashleigh and Caleb

Ashleigh reached her hands out to her father and her brother, taking that last step through the archway into Lily’s Rest.

She saw her mother smiling back at her as she held out the bouquet of lilies.

Ashleigh took a deep breath as she felt his gaze on her. Caleb. The familiar feeling of his eyes, his longing, and his desire for her.

She licked her lips and slowly exhaled, calming her senses.

Corrine stepped forward and hugged Ashleigh.

“I’m so happy for you,” she whispered. “He’s a good man.”

As Corrine pulled away, Ashleigh smiled back, “I know.”

She bowed and took the flowers from her mother. Axel and Wyatt stepped up beside her. She linked her arms with each of them before they continued up the aisle.

Ashleigh felt the heat of his gaze and the warmth of his love. But she couldn’t bring herself to look at him, afraid that she would be overwhelmed by her emotions if she did.