She Wanted to Hide

Her heart stopped.

Her body froze.

The world around her became muffled and blurred.

Axel, the room, his voice all clouded together as though she were in the eye of a storm.

‘You are mine…’ she heard the haunting voice from her past whisper in her mind.

She heard the sound of her cries, begging him to let her go. His laughter, the sparkle in his fiery eyes as she hit the ground.

She saw him on top of her, holding her down as she screamed, a look of excitement on his face as he pushed his pleasure through their bond, forcing her body to react to him against her will.

There was heavy pain in her chest, and her body refused to move or react in any way. Instead, she took short, gasping breaths that left her feeling like her lungs would collapse.

Her jaw ached; her arms itched. Old bruises and breaks suddenly hurt until her entire body was screaming out in her mind.

Two strong hands grabbed her shoulders, and finally, the world snapped back into place.