I Can Be Rude

After they returned to the party, Ashleigh and Caleb had a wonderful time. They ate, drank, and celebrated with the people of Summer.

Ashleigh eventually was taken away by Corrine and Fiona, leaving Caleb alone. He sighed and debated calling it an early night.

The moon was high in the sky, and a chorus of howls reached his ear. It was a hunt through the forests of Summer. Caleb smiled; it had been years since he had joined a proper full moon hunt. He shifted and joined his wolves in a run through the trees.

When morning came, he was disappointed that Ashleigh had already gotten up and started her day. Corrine would be leaving in two days, and Caleb knew there were things that she needed to teach Ashleigh before then.

But he was having a hard time being away from her.

Between the kidnapping, learning about their connection to the original wolves, and Ashleigh’s power problems, he felt he needed to be with her. To know that she was okay.