Is That Still True?

Corrine took a deep but shaky breath as she tried to keep her calm.

Axel swallowed, watching his mother take several deep breaths. He waited for the right time to speak.

“Your mate,” Corrine finally spoke, “is the same woman that led Ashleigh out of Summer. In order for that monster to drug her, kidnap her, and torture her.”

Axel licked his lips and sighed.

“Yes,” he replied.

Corrine let out a low growl.

“Yes?” she questioned through gritted teeth. “You can simply respond ‘yes’ to me right now?”

“I answered yes, because it is true,” he replied, drawing another growl from his mother. “It is not the whole truth, but it is true nonetheless.”

“The truth is,” Corrine growled standing from her chair and moving away from him. “You knew what she did and you still accepted her?”

Corrine turned on Axel with eyes filled with a whirlwind of emotion. Anger, sorrow, resentment, agony.

“You accepted someone who would willingly hurt your sister?”