His Cheshire Grin

“There are certain rules we agreed to long ago to have a successful working relationship, Roman…. Do you need help remembering them?” Holden asked, pressing the blade against Roman’s throat.

“No,” Roman smiled. “I remember them, just fine.”

Roman’s eyes roamed to Alice, who hadn’t moved. She stared back at him with fury, and he could see it was still her. He felt relieved.

Holden caught the look in Roman’s eye.

“Alice,” Holden said, without turning his attention away from Roman. “Return to your room.”

Alice didn’t respond right away.

“Alice!” Holden growled.

Roman watched as her jaw relaxed, and her eyes lost their shine. Finally, she took a breath and straightened her back.

“Of course,” she said. Placing the small knife back in her boot as she turned to leave.

But Roman knew she was already gone. He clenched his jaw and then looked at Holden with boredom and irritation.

“Either cut me open or get the fuck off me, little man.”