She's Still Waiting

Long ago, Ashleigh had found a deep cave about an hour’s walk from the training grounds.

The entrance cave was simple and deep enough for a temporary shelter that the native wildlife often used.

But at the back wall, there was a narrow passageway, one she could barely slip through. It was a long thin corridor that eventually opened to a deep natural well.

Rays of daylight poured through a small opening from high above. There was an echo of the soft drips of water that fell somewhere below.

Ashleigh placed her back against the wall and slowly edged her way down to another passage. This one was not nearly as long or as narrow. It led down a steep path and opened on a ledge.

Beyond the ledge was a large chamber. It was mostly dark, except for the small amount of light that fell from a small waterfall high above. The water cascaded down into a grotto.