He Will Keep His Word

“Excuse me!” Ashleigh said pushing past the two of the nurses in the triage area.

There was an instant rush of relief that fell over her as she laid her eyes on Saul sitting on one of the gurneys. He was bloodied and his arm was immobilized, but otherwise, he seemed to be in good health.

“Saul!” she called out with joy and rushed forward into the room.

Penelope followed after her, she smiled when she saw him. But just before she entered the room, a shout from one of the doctors called her attention.

“We need to get him to the operating room right now!”

Penelope looked back at the doctor standing over another gurney. She gasped as she recognized the man lying unconscious on the bed. It was Mateas.

She looked back at Ashleigh who was already talking to Saul, she licked her lips and then quickly followed the doctors heading toward the operating room.