Might Be The Blood Loss

“Axel!” Ashleigh screamed as she ran to her brother’s side.

“Ash…” Axel replied with a grunt. “I’m okay, I’m okay.”

“Alpha!” a man called from nearby when he saw Caleb, “we have killed the stragglers, but several got away.”

“Do you have a medic with you?” Caleb asked.

One of the men ran forward holding his med kit, and Caleb directed him to Axel.

Ashleigh pulled back on Axel’s shirt; the blood was all over his neck and collarbone, but she could see only one wound. A deep gash above the clavicle with six marks surrounding it.

“What the hell happened?” she asked.

Axel furrowed his brow as he thought for a moment.

“This might be the blood loss talking… but I think I was attacked by a giant blood-sucking frog….”

“It’s not the blood loss, at least not entirely. I saw it,” Ashleigh reassured him as she took his hand while the medic cleaned the wound and began stitching it together.