Because I Saw You

Myka was different than usual.

He was quieter than he had been throughout their trip, and the natural smile that was always on his face had fallen.

The evening before had been a deep struggle for him.

He knew that something had happened to the village. He could see that with his own eyes when they had first approached it. But he was in no way prepared for what Ashleigh had told him.

The village he had been raised in was filled with families. There had been love and laughter. Even if it was all torn away the moment a pup became a wolf, it had still been real while they were there.

Myka had been up late with Alice. They talked a little, he cried a lot, and then they sat silently. After a time, Myka’s thoughts went to the children he played with in Winter, the ones that Alice and Ashleigh had rescued.

His heart ached for them.

“Do you think they know?” he asked Alice quietly.

“Who knows what?”