The Rhythm of Her Heart

Axel walked down the hall of the hospital. As he walked by, he smiled at the people, though he felt tired with each step.

“Axel!” Bell called from behind.

He turned to see her smiling brightly.

“Hey,” she began, “perfect timing. I was just told that Alice is awake and alert.”

“She is?” he asked, his smile widening.

“I haven’t seen her yet,” Bell continued. “I was finishing up a chart. You go ahead. I’ll be there in just a few minutes.”

Axel nodded and hurried down the hall. Bell smiled. It had been too long since she saw such joy on his face.

He hurried to her room; his heart was almost bursting with joy to see her. But as he got closer, he felt something strange. A weight on his chest, a sudden fear settling over him. An uncontrolled and debilitating panic that was overwhelming his senses.

Axel felt as though he couldn’t breathe. He paused and clutched at his chest just outside the room.