Too Many Memories

He ran through the trees, avoiding the overgrown roots and brush with ease. Ahead of him, the black wolf moved between the trees.

Axel’s rage grew with each step he took.

For most of his life, this wolf haunted him. Living in his nightmares and stalking the back of his mind. The fiery eyes glared at him through the darkness leaving Axel always afraid of seeing them again.

Roman, the monster Axel feared since his childhood. But more than that, the monster that had broken Bell. The reason for her scars and her guarded nature. The reason she understood what it was like to drink her food through a straw.

Axel snarled and pushed himself harder through the trees. He was getting closer. Roman had been forced to change directions multiple times in an attempt to outrun him.

There were too many monsters in Alice’s life. Too many memories haunted her dreams and defined how she interacted with others.