A Link

Alice cleared her throat, drawing Myka’s attention. He looked at her, and she smiled.

“Don’t make decisions without him,” she whispered. “Peter is the type to punish you for it and not just in the fun way.”

“The fun way?” he laughed with a raised brow. “What does that mean?”

Alice smiled.

“Seriously,” Myka said, now with concern. “What does that mean? And how do you know?”

Alice laughed.

“Not the time,” she said. “But I have stories to share when we have a moment alone.”

Alice directed her eyes toward Sadie, who looked between them with curiosity. Myka looked back and nodded.

“Okay,” he said, “but we will talk.”

Alice nodded with another laugh.

“Well, I think it’s time that we got some ice cream in here,” Myka said with a bright smile looking at Sadie. “What do you think?”

Sadie nodded excitedly.

“Yea? Okay, what is your favorite flavor?” he asked.

“Strawberry,” Sadie smiled, then looked at Alice. “What about you, Alice? What flavor do you like?”