He Hoped

It took some convincing to get Peter to agree to their plan. But in the end, he did agree. Once he had, Bell left to prepare her blood for transfusion to Axel. Leaving Peter to help Myka get ready while the others kept Axel stable.

“Are you sure about this?” Peter asked as he tied off the back of Myka’s surgical gown.

“Honestly,” Myka began with a sigh. “I don’t know.”

Peter placed the cap on Myka’s head and turned him around so they could face each other.

“Talk to me, Myka,” he whispered. “You promised.”

Myka took a deep breath.

“I don’t know that I can do it,” he replied honestly. “But I feel it… like… I don’t know how to explain it. I just feel like there is something I can do here to help.”

“Okay,” Peter replied, taking a deep breath. “I’ll be right beside you.”

Myka nodded.

“And if I say that it’s done. It’s done, okay?” he added. “If I think that whatever you are trying to do is putting Axel at more risk, I get to call it, and you will listen to me.”