She Had Read

“Is everything ok?” Myka asked, glancing back in the direction Ashleigh had been looking.

“Yea, it was just a small animal,” Ashleigh said, keeping her eyes on the trees around them. “But it would be safer to make sure there are no larger ones in the area before we go to sleep.”

“All right,” he nodded.

Ashleigh walked away from the fire and into the darkness of the trees. She had seen something moving in the bushes. It looked like a small animal, but she needed to be sure.

She didn’t need to go far before she found signs of foxes in the area. That very likely was what she had seen. She walked the perimeter further out from the campsite, listening for any suspicious sounds and looking for movement.

There were animals all around them. But, of course, it was a forest, and there would always be something watching, listening. But nothing caught her attention as particularly suspicious.