He Understood

“I was surprised when I saw the team from Bustling Bush running toward us,” Myka said. His elbows were on his knees, and he stared down at his hands. “But I was so thankful I didn’t think too much about it then.”

He let out a soft chuckle, licked his lips, and took a deep breath.

“Dane carried Stefan on his shoulders while I carried you,” he continued. “We hiked down the mountain for two hours without stopping. After Sadie told me that the creature had come out of the lake, I pushed them to keep going even after they were worn down and hurting in order to gain as much distance as possible.”

Ashleigh closed her eyes. She swallowed painfully as silent tears fell.

“That was when they found us,” he sighed. “A whole team of them. Emergency responders, ready and able to help us all get back down the mountain, quick and clean.”

Myka sat back in his chair. He crossed his arms, clenching at first as he felt the sting of his wounds.