A Difficult Decision

She had barely spoken since returning to Summer a month ago. Every day she saw doctors and nurses, and she went through treatment for the burns that covered her stomach. There had been one surgery that had been done quickly and without issue.

Bell, Galen, and Fiona had all come to see her at various times. For the first two weeks, they were refused. But eventually, they were allowed into her room. Still, she didn’t have much to say, barely responding to their questions.

The only interest she showed was when Bell updated her on the others in Moonguard.

Myka’s wounds left deep scars along his arms but did not affect his overall health or body. The infection that the doctors had been worried about with Sadie’s wounds never managed to take hold, and in the end, not even a scar was left behind. Ashleigh was relieved to hear that Sadie was able to go home with Myka and Peter.