Close Your Eyes Long Enough

“Saul’s most recent report shows that the repairs to southern borders have been completed, and the foundations for the upgrades that Galen sent over have been laid,” Corrine said with a smile as she turned to the next document.

Axel nodded, looking down at the report that sat before him.

“Looks like the communications tower upgrade is also finished, and I heard this morning that the backup tower is almost done,” Axel said.

“Yes,” Corrine nodded and looked up at him with a smile. “Winter is better than ever.”

Axel nodded but did not look up.

“There are still a lot of security updates that need to be implemented in the residential areas,” he sighed. Making notes on the report.

Corrine sat back in her chair and kept her eyes on her son.

“Yes, but they are on schedule,” she said. “There is nothing so pressing that you can’t afford to leave this office for a few hours every day or night.”

Axel stopped writing and took a breath.