He Won’t

Landon left Summer as quietly as he had come.

Only a few had seen him, and the reason for his visit was kept as quiet as Galen could manage. But even he heard whispers and murmurs in the streets and down the halls.

Galen approached Fiona after Landon left. He told her what he knew of the wolves that had made their request to Landon. She listened but had little to say. She understood why the request was made and couldn’t blame them, really.

“As far as options go, they could have picked worse,” Fiona said with a wry smile.

Galen furrowed his brows as he looked at her with concern.

Fiona sighed and looked away.

“Landon has his hands full with Broken Crag. He has no interest in Summer,” she said. “There is nothing to worry about.”

“I’m not worried about him,” Galen said, moving toward her. “I am worried about Summer.”

Fiona took a deep breath and nodded while looking down at her desk.