A Little Trip

“That was perfect, Emma,” Ms. Stacey smiled brightly as she clapped her hands and approached the small girl at the front of the class.

She reached down and touched Emma’s shoulder.

“Very good job,” she said softly.

Ms. Stacey turned around to face the class. She looked around at all their happy faces.

“Who’s next?” she asked.

Several hands went up, and voices cried out to be picked. Ms. Stacey gave a soft chuckle before pointing to one of the students and stepping aside to let him stand before the class.

Ms. Stacey made her way to stand by the window where she could observe the whole class. But as she got closer, something outside drew her attention.

Behind her, she could hear the boy beginning to sing his song for the class. But she was still focused on whatever it was that was happening outside. She leaned forward and squinted, trying to see in the distance.