CHAPTER 2    




  Cold breeze brushes through my skin it's going to rain I mumble in between breathes Caden doesn't like that, I could feel him wimping I just can't connect with him I'm a white wolf a rare one my parents said I looked cute as a cub but I  can't figure out why I won't shift into my wolf form.

 I get teased by my mates and I've grown past the turning age  the stage when I can shift on my own accord ,

I once cried into Mum's hair begging her to help out ""you are special your wolf is unique you are unique"" She would always say

 I shudder under the sky I felt exhausted I wanted to cool it off but I went too far from the pack house I look up into the sky as I felt a drizzle on my skin it's raining I look for a place to hide but it's hopeless I'm in plain sight

   oh no I cried out just when I felt hopeles, I saw someone walk towards me I could smell it was a wolf but not of my pack suddenly the scary stories about rouge wolves came to my mind I wasn't a cub no more but I couldn't fight off rouges alone I tried to run but  then i realised ever step I took it seemed to chase after me with no effort 

I slumped and fell when it dawned on me that running won't help me in this situation

 walking here already made me exhausted trying to run from whatever was chasing me is just a waste of effort 

I tremble in fear as I realized it came close

""you are some weakling""

I heard a feminine voice call out  my hands felt shaky and my neck seemed to have turned stiff as I was scared to look back suddenly after several minutes if totally awkward silence I summoned the courage to speak 

you shifted, I said , as I turned to look I was shocked.

 put some clothes on I said as I turned away my eyes  trying to erase from my mind what I saw just now 

""  do you see a wolf running Around with clothes on her paws or in her teeth?"" and with that she shifted back into her wolf form,

I could feel saliva  dripping on my shoulders when I turned to face her again. I was Dazzled how is it that easy I screamed  she shifted back into human form 

  common you've got to be kidding I said as I turned my gaze away do you have no self Respect

""  what self respect I'm a wolf we shift a lot,  obviously not you I perceive  how weak you are.

 I'm Scarlett by the way I'm a lone wolf what's yours""

    I'm Jade I answer not turning my gaze towards her I can't shift I said 

  ""Well, try connecting with your wolf and give it a name. Speak with it know it""

 She looked into the sky and said 

""Hop on it's not going to drizzle forever there would be a downpour soon""


 With  that she shifted to her wolf form I hopped on and she sniffed me then took me close enough but not too close to the pack house I got down before i could thank her she ran off I smiled and turned to proceed into our territory 



I smiled at that memory and doze off school starts tomorrow 

      I woke up I took the liberty to clean up early I brushed my teeth then took a quick shower 

I styled my hair parting it carefully then further combing it into a smooche I applied a little bit of blush on my cheeks i walked to the other end of my closet then I opened the drawer which contained my body sprays I picked a random one

   on it was  written love potion 

I scoffed at what the name was I sprayed little on my hair and sprayed some on my body I'm not trying to make it obvious to Scarlett that I actually selected things on purpose neither did I want her to think I was grooming myself for school  


 I turned to my mirror wink at it and said ain't I just perfect

  I moved to my  wardrobe and picked out a polo and shorts both green in colour matching my eyes colour, it's my first day in human school I want to look my best, get the attention not too much that will lead to stalking but just enough.

I really didn't need to put in so much effort. I've been handsome since I was a cub. Everything looked good on me.  I could wear rags and still look good in it

 I picked  up a bag I prepared and flung it over my shoulders i proceeded to pick out a jewelry for myself in my rack if jewelries  I chose  a golden bracelet, believe me I'm rich enough after spending 4 decades on Earth 

I pull out  black sneakers with touches of green I  blew kisses to my mirror and moved out of the room whistling to myself 



I saw Jade from afar  looking cute and all just then the scent of a body spray attacked my nostrils

  OH no I said smiling ,

knowing how cute Jade  can be at times it's great when you are forty and look 21 werewolves perks 

Don't tell me you dolled up for those smelly kids? 

 ""Of course not" he denied 


   Like I care I said trying to tease him with the tone 

    ""Your car or mine"" Brian asked Jade from a distance we are late he added 


    I sat in the back with Scarlett as Brian offered to drive

 I glanced at scarlet she hardly put in any extra effort she wore a tank top,written on it was hey bitches Fuck off and a baggy Jean she did pack her hair into a bun messy but sexy her mate is really gonna be possessive about her and Brian looks just as dashing with his polo and shorts just like mine but blue for shorts black for polo


   We highlighted from the car and proceeded into the school hallway scarlet had a twisted look on her face 

  "it's not that bad I said at least they aren't that smelly" Brian teased 

  "" whatever"" she said and walked on


   I proceeded to follow in suit but my eyes caught something Shit I exclaimed


    I stood frozen to that same spot without moving 

"aren't u coming along Scarlett" asked from afar I moved my gaze slowly and she seemed to realize it too. 

"let's go you won't wanna cause a scene"she said 

""that's right ""Brian added 

   After registering for our courses we all went For seperate classes, I couldn't stop  thinking about the guy I saw I couldn't believe I m running into him again at school,

     Fuck I screamed as I bumped into a girl I'm sorry I wasn't really  thinking straight I apologized 

 ""it's okay"" she said 

""hi I'm Evie I guess you are new here wanna hang?" she asked me 

Of course I might really need a friend I said after all I wanted to get rid of any bothersome stuffs that's why I agreed to come to school and she's really hot she is a blond cutie, she has long legs  nice round shaped ass and a beautiful face he'll yeah I wouldn't mind coming to school for her a lot of things would go down between I and her I thought 

""I'm headed for chemistry, Are you headed there also?""  She asked looking at me seductively 

  Damn  I'm sorry I'm having robotics  I said not liking the fact that I had to be away from this hottie after all I  had already mentally added her to the list of women I conquered let's just say I love women and I could bang anything seductive not having a mate yet comes with a kind of freedom I guess 

 ""it's okay I'll see you at the cafeteria at lunch then "" 

  Hey wait up  you don't even know my name I shouted,,

  she turned on her heels and  smiled at me ""It's Jade, I think I know everything that goes on here""

   I smiled back at her  knowing certainly that she is totally into  me I don't mind asking her out  today  she turned back on her heels and headed for her class I headed for my robotics class feeling really disappointed in myself I could've skipped class for her but I didn't want to get my mum all riled up 


I barely heard anything I just couldn't take off that conversation with Evie off  My head I literally replayed every word over and over I kept the imagination of I and her exploring each other's bodies in  my mind 

 ""Jade ?Jade?"" The robotics teacher called out, Are you okay?"


yes I replied, just adjusting with the new environment I said knowing well that was a balant lie 



    I feel really uncomfortable with these stares i get  I know I can be cute at times who am I kidding I'm totally handsome but unlike Jade I'm not really into the whole sexual stuff I like girls but not in the kind of way I'm attracted to boys i swing both ways I do girls and boys but girls are always predictable it's just more fun with boys 

""Hi Brian""

   a guy walked up to me I could recollect his face as the guy Jade locked eyes with when we got to cool earlier today He looks stunning I don't know if it's the gay in me right now or if he's generally appealing to the eyes I wonder why he came over to my table 

Hello I said trying not to sound suspicious


  "" I hope we get along in class'"he said

 "" if you need any help I'm hanging around and do not   pay much attention to the girls they are always fussy when they see a cute guy""

   He  winked at me and left my table geez I shuddered,

     I didn't know if I should feel thankful for him being nice but I surely know I'm into him he just might not be bisexual but he's really a nice view I told Scarlett school isn't that bad 

    Heck he's handsome I watch him as he struts back to his chair with those broad shoulders of his I wouldn't mind touching them 

   What's wrong with me I asked no one I particular

   ""Maybe you  are just horny"" my wolf teases 

  Shut it Blakebefore I shut you out I mind linked him

   ""You won't dare"" he said 

 he really is becoming a pain in my ass lately 

  I scoffed lifting up my eyes just to interlock with the guy's, this guy gives me shivers I thought in my mind as I smiled at him