Chapter 008 - Encounter

The kind old Spanish man already gave Simon a lot of conveniences when he checked in, if he leave that hotel, it will be difficult for Simon to find a better place in a short time.

After some consideration, Simon found Roger Griffin after his shift in the afternoon and asked whether he can pay him a week's salary in advance.

The owner of the convenience store didn't refuse but said that the salary of everyone in the store will only be settled once a week. And with Simon only working for three days this week, if he wants to settle in advance, then he can only get three days' salary this week.

Simon didn't plan to negotiate too much with Roger Griffin for dozens of dollars, so he agreed happily, because the three days salary is just enough for him to for the hotel, as for the next week, Simon also plans to find a more flexible temporary part-time job.

Seeing Simon agree so fast the fat middle-aged man felt a little embarrassed, so he conscientiously rounded up an integer and paid him $100.

Leaving the convenience store, Simon walked back more than twenty minutes to the hotel where he lived.

This is a typical 'concave' layout motel, a white two-story wooden building with more than a dozen rooms and several cars parked in the courtyard.

The afternoon sun in Los Angeles is just right.

Walking into the yard, Simon heard and saw the hotel owner Diago holding a guitar playing a song, he seemed to be very good.

In Simon's previous concept, the guitar is a musical instrument for young people, He also played the guitar for a while in college, but never touched it after he started working.

Finding a chair to sit down next to the Spanish old man, Simon listened quietly for a while.

The old man is playing an old song called "Blue Suede Shoes" by Elvis Presley.

If you don't consider the heavy Spanish accent when he sings, the old man's guitar level is barely good enough to listen to.

Making this evaluation in his heart, Simon felt a little unexpected.

His guitar level can only be considered to be at the beginner level, The Spanish old man was far better than he was in the past life. Although the old-school tunes of "Blue Suede Shoes" are completely incompatible with Simon's taste, it is undeniable that the song is very difficult to play.

However, with a little thought, Simon understood.

In the memories of the twelve top Hollywood talents, he had the memories of a Composer, an entry-level instrument such as the guitar is naturally within his reach. Moreover, in his memories, there are also guitar lovers among other twelve Hollywood talents.

After finishing the song the old man turned to Simon and asked in Spanish: "Why have you come back so early today?"

Simon smiled and pulled out the wallet, took the $100 bill out and handed it to the old man. and said in Spanish: "Diago, this is the money for the room, also thank you for your care during this time."

The old man nodded and took the money, but when he glanced at Simon's wallet. so he asked with a concern: "Without this $100, wouldn't you soon go hungry?"

"I won't," Simon shook his head and smiled: "I found a church nearby and I should be able to get some food stamps."

When the old man heard Simon's thoughts, he laughed and said: "I like young people like you, However, doing so is too ungodly.

Then he asked Simon as he hand the guitar over: "Hey, can you play the guitar?"

With some doubts, he took the guitar and almost subconsciously started fiddling with the strings, playing the same song the old man just played.

At first, when the tunes just sounded, the hotel owner couldn't help but want to shake his head. The boy also know how to play the guitar, but he was very jerky.

However, seeing Simon's intent look, the old man didn't interrupt him.

Then, the old Spanish man witnessed a miracle.

In just ten minutes, Simon's playing changed from jerky to skilful at a jaw-dropping speed. The old man is also an amateur guitar player, so it's difficult for him to describe Simon's guitar level.

However, the old man felt that if Simon's playing level was one street behind him ten minutes ago, but just ten minutes later, this young man's guitar level has surpassed him by at least ten steps ahead.

When Simon stopped playing, the Spanish old man immediately asked: "Boy, have you studied guitar before?"

Simon nodded, he was also very surprised by his performance just now, so he could only vaguely explain to the old man: "I haven't touched the guitar in many years."

The old man obviously couldn't understand the concept of Simon's 'many years, but he finally found a reason for his surprise.

"In this case," The old man took back his guitar, installed it in a guitar case, and returned it to Simon again and said: "Give me your backpack and take the guitar to the beach. Now is the peak tourist season, with your level, playing the guitar there for just there hours will be enough for you to earn enough money to live for the next week."

Simon froze for a moment then quickly handed over the backpack that has been inseparable from him the past days, took the guitar case and put it on his shoulders, and said to the old man: "Diago since you lent me your Gibson guitar, let me also borrow your car too. If I walk from here to the beach, it will take me until dark at least to get there."

"You little brat," The old man shook his head, but still took out the key and handed it to Simon, But he deliberately said in a very fair tone: "Don't forget to refuel."

the long coastline of Los Angeles has a lot of well-known beaches, and one of the most lively ones is undoubtedly Venice Beach adjacent to Santa Monica Beach.

In summer Venice Beach is very lively.

In addition to countless visitors from all over the world, the pedestrian street of Venice Beach is home to a variety of street performers, artists, painters, cyclists, roller skating enthusiasts, etc., making the whole beach like a lively carnival.

Driving for more than ten minutes, Simon arrived at Venice Beach, after spending two dollars on parking, took the guitar case and set foot on the famous beach.

After a while, Simon chooses a fairly good intersection to set shop.

Putting the case at his feet, he held the guitar in his hands and re-confirmed the feel, Simon randomly selected "Rocket-man" by Elton John from his memory and began to play.

With the memories and characters of the twelve talents merging with himself, Simon didn't feel embarrassed about street singing, he felt more embarrassed that an old man like him couldn't feed himself.

The sudden superb guitar level quickly aroused the attention of passers-by. Although Simon, rarely interacts with people around him, there are always two or three tourists around, listening to his songs for a while, putting down some change, and then leaving.

Unknowingly the sunset began to fall, the orange-red light projected behind him, dragging his shadow longer and longer.

From four o'clock to the present, for nearly three hours, Simon did not stop or feel tired.

Looking at the thick layer of coins in the Guitar case, Simon felt that maybe he didn't need to find a second part-time job, so he could spend his time on other things.

Thinking about this, Simon planned to finish with one last song, but when he has just started the song he saw a hand stretched out above the guitar case.

The hand was very beautiful, slender with painted with fiery red nail polish.

These thoughts flashed in Simon's mind, Simon found that the beautiful woman's hand did not seem to be putting money into the case, but reached out to take the only $10 bill in the case.

That is too much.

So Simon raised his right foot and gently stepped on the hand that wanted to do evil.

The owner of the hand did not seem to anticipate Simon's movements, and Simon also did not expect that hand would not dodge. So, when Simon's right foot fell, there was a slightly exaggerated female voice beside him.

"Ah, little boy, how can you step on others, that's awful! "

Simon couldn't help but stop the song he just started, retract his feet, and turned his head to look at the women."

Janet Johnston, who was crouching next to the guitar case, stared at him fiercely, not feeling any embarrassment for being caught.

Kathryn Bigelow stood beside her friend with a helpless expression and smiled apologetically at Simon.

Simon directly ignored the crazy woman who was still crouching on the ground and returned Kathryn's smile happily.

He didn't expect to encounter them at this place.

Kathryn is still wearing a simple dress and trousers, looking very capable.

Simon looked Kathryn up and down and said: "What a coincidence, Kathryn, why are you here?"

Although the boy's eyes were not aggressive, Kathryn still felt a little uncomfortable, slightly dodged Simon's gaze she said: "Jenny's studio is here. I attended a production meeting in Beverly in the afternoon, so I come back to Malibu with Jenny."

Simon nodded and said: "So, how is the preparation for "Near Dark" going?"

"The casting is about to end, however, there are some problems with the production company's funds, it might take a few months to get the green light." Kathryn said, then she added: "I saw your message. Mr. Friedman also called me, he is very optimistic about you, he said he was very surprised by your age."

Simon smiled, glanced at his watch, and said to Kathryn: "I haven't thanked you yet. since we met, let me take you out to eat?"

Getting ignored by Simon for a long time, Janet had some inexplicable little hatred in her heart, When she heard him say he will ask them out to eat, she immediately pointed to the change in the Simon guitar case, and said in a mocking tone: "Little boy, are you going to use this money to invite us to dinner?"