Encounter Again

Kinrue eyes look drowsy while walking in the hallway. Since last night, she can't sleep even for half an hour. She tries hard not to look at the Lunaris High website but her friends keep chatting her. This is not what she wanted, its fine if the man involve with her is Lorcan, but it's someone whom a total stranger.

"Rue." She startled when someone wrap an arm around her shoulder. "Mind if you explain to us what happened? Those picture is real and not a Photoshop, right?"

She gives them an awkward smile while she removes her arm. It's her friend, Camie and Ashley. Camie is more like a boyish type with short hair and taller than a typical woman opposite of Ashley who's a more ladylike style, pretty from head to toe, long wavy hair and average height. The three of them have been hanging around ever since their younger years. Most of the Lunaris High students known their group as 'troublesome idiots', name itself tells it, they are a group of idiots who caused troubles. Camie always caught in a fight in or out of the school premise, more like a leader of an infamous gang. Ashley is a beautiful, clumsy type of person. She's easy to trick. It's the reason Camie and Kinrue always look out for her. Last, Kinrue, who's known as hopeless romantic queen. Out of the three, she's always caught in trouble, especially with other woman because of admiring someone.

She's about to speak but someone bump on her from the back. Her brows raise to its extent as she looks in front where the person walking like he didn't see anyone. Not even a single apologize.

"Hey, you just bump me like that and didn't apologize? Do you have some manners?" Kinrue shout pointing her index finger towards the man.

An awkward silence echoes on the hallway. All eyes turn in their direction like she did something terrible. Some of them whisper to each other while laughing, some smirks, but what shock her is the continuous flash of camera. Kinrue's body freeze when she feels like its déjà vu. The man turns his look in her direction. He has this menacing aura surrounds him. It made her flinch.

"Isn't it the number 1 couple in last day confession day event?" The woman near them asked her friend.

"Yeah, it's Kinrue Cienfuegos and Raven Auclair."

'Couple?' The thought of it makes her puke, but she didn't expect that hearing it is worst to death. Never in her life has she hated the word 'couple'. Today is the only exemption. The murmurs around become louder than before, she clench her fist tight.

"It's you again!" She pointed to the man, even if it trembles.

He chuckled, hold her index finger and pull her closer. Tons of bolt runs through her body. It's not the same bolts like what other people read in a novel, it's a bolt of rage. She's about to push him, but the man lower his head to whisper.

"Stay low and don't run to me again, annoying piece of shit. Get lost." He said in a haughty tone before walking away.

A steam exits on both nose and ears—sign it's already boiling. Kinrue's temper is at its maximum level. Face turns read, body trembles in anger and her senses don't work anymore. It's not her wish to see that annoying man again, but those words he whispered seems like she lose. He's the one who ruined everything yesterday rather than her. He should be the one under this humiliation.

"Kinrue, are you okay? Are you still alive? It looks like you're not breathing anymore." Ashley taps her shoulder to reassure she's fine.

"I-I'll kill him. I'll kill him..." she mumble grit her teeth.

Her friends who's near flinch. "A-ah... What are you still watching for? Go back to your respective rooms. Go away!" Camie sues those students around.

"Kinrue, we will not ask you anymore about the pictures, but you jump in a tiger's den. Be careful." Ashley pat her head.

"Argh! I will ki—"

The school bell rings before she can finish her words.

"Let's go to our room Rue, don't mind it anymore."


As soon as the bells ring, Kinrue grabs her things and runs outside their classroom to hide from those girls. Since earlier, they keep bugging her about the truth behind those picture lurks on the website. Some even asked, 'when did the two of you meet?' Though the fact is they didn't know each other until yesterday incident. She didn't have an idea how popular the man was inside the Lunaris High School. Besides to her classmates, she receives a lot of texts, chats and calls from other section and year level. Not to congratulate or support them, but threatened her. Only god knows how toxic those fan girls.

After running for quite a while, she stops in front of the science laboratory panting—holds her left chest while catching an air to breathe. There's no one around this hallway. It's quiet. A deep sigh escapes her mouth as she leans on the wall next to the door. She's hungry and exhausted from thinking about what will happen. There's no way she can join Camie and Ashley inside the school cafeteria to eat. Most of her enemies are inside. Her tummy growls in hunger, she caresses it out of instinct and is about to slide down when a loud slam sound inside the science laboratory made her startle. It's loud. She turns her look to the front door. It's close, but there's some voice from inside. A silly thought came into her mind. With a smirk on her face, she went near the door and lean her right ear to listen on their conversation.

"Didn't you hear me? I said I like you. How come you accepted an annoying childish brat but not me?"

"What? Stop this non-sense and don't talk to me. Never again."

"R-Raven, am I not enough? Please, give me a chance."

"I said stop your delusion."

'Raven? Didn't I hear it?' Kinrue tries to remember where and when did she hear the name but her mind is already in the process of breakdown. A loud cry and shout from those people inside lingers. It makes her sigh. Nothing happens much, but the man is really rude to the highest level. She shrugs her head—about to leave the place, but the door opens. It makes her lost her balance and bump into someone's chest. Her body freeze as she feels an ominous aura in front.

She lifts her gaze slow and careful to see who's giving such vibes. The moment their gaze met, her brows frown—step back out of instinct as if the one in front has a contagious disease. She's lucky to avoid those toxic fan girls, but unlucky to meet the cause of it. It's the man from yesterday. He looks at her with a baleful stare, like meeting him is a big sin she makes in entire life.

"R-Raven..." A woman came out from behind him. "Please..."

Kinrue look at her, both eyes get wide open when she saw the woman from yesterday. Not the woman he rejected, but the first woman she bumps when searching for Lorcan. It's the woman from Class 12-A. The reason she's crying yesterday is him. 'How many women did this man made cry yesterday?' She asked herself—gives him an unbelievable look.

"What the hell are you doing here? I told you, don't cross my path again." Raven said.

"Who wants to cross path with you? I'm just curious about what's going on inside because I heard a slam sound from the door. Who knows, you'll end up hurting each other." she reason out with confident.

"K-Kinrue..." The woman said, stuttering while both eyes keep glance back and forth between the two. "I-Is it true? The pictures? Did Raven accept your confession gift?"

Kinrue flinches. "What are you saying? As far as I remember the confession gift I h—"

"True or not, it doesn't matter. Leave it to your useless imagination." Raven said.

"Do you have a heart? Is it still beating?" Without thinking, Kinrue comes forward and leans her ear to his left chest to feel if his heart is still beating or not.

"Are you insane? Who gives you permission to come near me?" Raven pushes him. It isn't hard, but a light push.

She chortled, cross both arms with a smirk on her face. "It looks like your heart is beating, but how heartless can you be? The woman, who is older than you, is crying, but instead of comfort, you sue her away with those cruel words."

Raven chuckle—shrugs his head in disbelief. "Why do I need to say my reason? I hate woman who keep pushing themselves to someone but most of all... I hate those people who stick their nose to other people's business."

Once again, Kinrue's blood seems to rise again. She bites her lower lip while both fists clench tight.

"You know, curiosity kills." He said with a smirk before he bump her again and walk away as usual.

"W-what did he just say? H-he's the one... Argh! For your information, I'm not curious about you or what's going on with your shitty personality. Drop dead moron!" She shouted out of her lungs.

It seems like her senses left when she saw him raise his middle finger while still continue to walk. Her body freezes, face turns beet red, and it looks like a steam is leaving her body. Not only on the nose or ears, but the whole body is on steam.

"K-Kinrue. A-are you okay? Y-you're still breathing, right? K-Kinrue..." The woman approaches her, but she didn't move an inch. "K-Kinrue?"

"C-can I kill him? Tell me I can, right?" The woman flinches when she turns her look on those sinister faces.

"N-no, y-you can't." A shiver run down to her spine as she stutter.

"W-why? I will do it."