The Warning

Kinrue's sitting on the side of the infirmary bed, staring blankly outside the window. She's watching the orange sky as the birds flies from east to west. Even those noises from the school grounds. She keeps listening to all of it. Almost half of the school hours, she's resting inside the infirmary, though not once she falls asleep. She felt nothing but overthink. The words Nianan's give earlier and the person who knows her identity, both him, Reito and Ruen pertain to only one person. But she didn't know who's that person was. The more she thinks, the more her head aches so much. In the entire year since she left the Himura Mansion, she's careful to not get noticed by anyone.

The way she acts, talks, approach someone, even the little habits and skills, it's all different. No one can trace that she's Shenrue Himura, so she didn't know the person they're talking about.

Kinrue massages her head because of the thoughts rushing in her mind again.

"Are you awake Kinrue?" She looked behind and saw Mrs. Rodriguez. "There's someone searching for you. He's on the line. It's better you pick it up."

"T-thanks, I'll answer it."

She stands up and follows the infirmary doctor. Mrs. Rodriguez gives her the telephone, but she's hesitating to get it. She has a bad feeling that it's someone she never wants to talk. She heaves a sigh and takes the telephone as the doctor gives her a sign she'll leave for a while.

As a silence lingers inside the small room, the atmosphere between her and the other person in the line turns cold as ice.

"Is it you, Shenrue?" The cold baritone voice made her hands tremble while holding the telephone. Her eyes widened in surprise as she unconsciously bite the nails in her index finger out of nervousness. "Are you not going to answer me?"


"You know my temper well than others, so if I asked you, answer it. Don't make me repeat myself twice."

"S-sorry, M-Maru."

She heard him chuckle on the next line. "It's been five or six years?! After a long time, I heard you calling my name in the same tone."

"W-why did you call? Ruen told me, I'm free until the graduation."

"Of course you're free. I called because I heard other than us and the person there that knows you, there's another one who keeps blurting out about your identity. This is my first and last warning Shenrue, don't let anyone knows your identity, shut those f*ckers mouth even the one who informs us or else, I'll be the one doing it. Besides, I don't have any use on those fools. You know me, right?"


"There's no but. I'll come pick you up by myself if I heard news about some other person knowing your real identity. Don't stain our family name, okay?"

"Y-yes, I-I'll do it."

"Fine. As long as you follow all my orders, you're free to do everything. I have a meeting, so let's talk again later."

The telephone slips in her grip when the door abruptly opens. She looked behind with a wide-open eyes out of shock, but saw Raven. He glance towards her for a second before his eyes locked on the telephone hanging, almost reaching the ground.

"What are you doing?" He asked while walking and pick up the telephone. "Are you calling someone?"

"N-no, i-it just rang and..."

"You don't need to explain. Let's get out of here before my coach notice I skipped the practice."

"H-huh? Practice? It isn't necessary to go there now so,"

"What's wrong with you empty head? It's not your concern. Let's just leave."

Before she can talk back, Raven drags her outside the infirmary. But luckily, most of the students already gone home and the rest are busy with their club works. Although she tried to remove his hand from the tight grip, Raven's too strong. In the end, she let it be and didn't mind those students who passed by the hallway.

She thought they'll riding a taxi, but he insist to ride a bus instead. Even though she wants to ask the destination they're heading to, she dare not to open her mouth rather look outside the window.

The sun's about to set down. Many people walk on the road side either with their friends or alone. Most of them are students and workers. Some of them talk with a smile while the others look exhausted. The noise from those people inside the bus or out, the vehicles, engines and horns, even the music inside the departments, all of it resounds in Kinrue's ear. The chilly breeze of wind brushing on her face and the warm body beside her made her calm down.

Amidst of the thoughts running on her minds, she got startled when Raven's head lean on her shoulder. She glance on his direction and was about to speak, but saw him sleeping like an innocent child. Instead of pushing him away, he let him rest for a while.

It's already dark when the bus stops. The rest of the passenger leave one after another so she wakes up Raven.

"Are we here? They're all leaving." She said while he rubs his eyes.

"Yeah, let's go down." He stands up and follows the rest.

"Thank you for leaving me behind sh*thead, my shoulder aches because of you. Did you sleep well?" she said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

Raven heard him loud and clear.

He stop for a moment, looking back in her direction. "Thank you for your kindness, empty head. What do you want me to do? Carry you until we reach the seaside?" A smirk form into his mouth, but it made Kinrue raised her right eyebrows and forced a smile.

"No thanks. I'd rather crawl than got carried by you. Let's just go. I have enough of your face." She said, walking ahead of him.

"Enough of my face? Are you watching me while sleeping?"

"Dream on. I sleep the whole time."

"Maybe you dream about me?"

"Argh! Stop talking to me." She almost shout those words before running outside the bus. He heard him call her, but she didn't look back.

Despite the darkness, she can see a night market nearby. There's many people going inside and the smell of the food lingers in the place. Her eyes glimmers and almost drool over. She's about to walk, but someone holds her left hand.

"What's wrong?"

"It looks like you're back, so I only need to piss you off to come back to your senses." He gives him a disbelief stare while chuckling.


"Let's eat something first,"

She didn't talk back anymore and walk towards the night market. As they continue to walk, her eyes couldn't stop looking left and right because of the variety of food. It's not as high-class or nutritious as in the restaurant, but it's food that she can't even eat while living in the Himura Mansion. Once she came back to them, she can't taste a single one.

In the middle of scanning her eyes around, it stops in the grilled sausage stall and, without words, she drags Raven in its direction. She sniffs the smell of grilled sausage as her eyes turn diamond, not minding the other people around.

"Buy me this one, sh*thead. I want to eat it." She said, poking his arms while both eyes stuck on the food.

"Why do I need to buy it for you?" He mumbles, massaging the bridge of his nose.

"Hey, did you hear me? I want to eat this one."

"Fine. Excuse me miss, I'll buy one of th—"

"Two." He glance to Kinrue for a second before looking back to the vendor.

"I'll buy two of these grilled sausages."

The vendor nods her head and prepare the sausages. He just heaves a sigh as they wait for it to be cooked. After a few minutes of waiting, a group of teenagers like them came beside. They're loud and energetic even at this hour. It seems like Kinrue didn't notice it, so Raven pulls him slightly away from them. It catches her attention.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Move aside, there's other people beside." He saw her staring intensely at the group as he heard one of the woman in that group notice her. "Stop giving that glare,"

He cover her eyes as he step beside, giving a smile to the group that made the woman blushed.

"I'm sorry about this. She didn't mean it."

"W-what are you saying? Stop covering my eyes, sh*thead." She removes his hand and glare to him before looking to the group.

Raven heaves a sigh before raising her chin to look straight at him. "I'll buy you everything you want, so don't make a scene. Stop ruining our date."


"Sir, this is the two grilled sausages you ordered. Twenty bucks each." Kinrue glance to the vendor, who's holding two grilled sausages.

"Here. Keep the change."

"Thank you sir,"

"It looks delicious."

"Let's go."

"Do you want it?"

"No. I'll buy something else. You can finish it by yourself."


He shrugs his head and continues to walk along with other people.