episode fourteen: Tommy's Party

Tommy's dad is a U.S congressman.

He works most time in Washington D.C.

His mum is Spanish, an actress, and she's big on the small screens of Mexican Soaps produced in Hollywood California

Her recent drama soap: "Mi Amante de L.A" just got nominated for the Oscars award.

Their business engagements always keep Tommy's parents away in other States, or abroad, engaged in different things.

Tommy is always 'home alone' in a multi-million mansion up at Mountain Ville.

Tonight Tommy's house is buzzing with activities.

It's a pool party.

The party is set by the swimming pool high up the landscapes of the mansion.

The mansion lies on a fifty-acre landscape.

The party spot is full of girls in bikinis, and swimming suits, and all kinds of boys from the school, and around.

Tommy is sitting with his friends at a table close to the D.J.

The D.J is booming on the boom box, Heavy D's "Don't be afraid".

Tommy looks across the crowd of party people, and he sees a girl from school called Audrey.

Audrey is a very beautiful Black-Brazillian busty girl in senior High at school.

She's cute, and she won the 'Miss LancelotHigh' last Spring semester.

Despite her beauty, Audrey is a timid girl though, she walks with a group of timid but cute girls.

Tommy has had his eyes on Audrey for a long time now, so this is his moment.

"High Audrey, how you doing," Tommy says, he stands from the table and walks close to Audrey.

"I'm fine," Audrey says, beaming a smile to show off her braces.

"You're not in your swimming suit Audrey, what's the matter," Tommy says, holding Audrey by the shoulders, as they walk across the pool area.

"Yes Tommy, it's very embarrassing, I forgot my bathing suit," Audrey says.

"Oh come on, let me take you inside, you can choose a bathing suit from some my mum has, it could be your size," Tommy says, and he looks behind Audrey's backside.

Audrey is a bit plump, but she has a bum and a good waistline.

Her bosom is very full and firm, she looks quite mature for a girl that just turned eighteen.

"Very thoughtful of you Tommy, thank you so much," Audrey says, she walks with Tommy to the main building entrance.

Boys and girls are dancing all over the place, in swimming trunks, and bathing suits.

Tommy walks Audrey to the entrance of the main building, his hand on her back lightly.

His friends keep their gaze on Tommy and Audrey as they walk away from the party, Tommy looks back and winks at his friends.

His friends sitting by the table give a sinister nod and smirk.

Tommy walks Audrey into the main building.

"Where are we going," Audrey asks.

"Inside dear, let's check my mum's closets, right," Tommy says.

"Right," Audrey replies.

Shortly, they are standing before Tommy's mum's summer closet in the main house.

There are bathing suits all lined up by the best designers in the world.

Tommy pulls out a Versace bathing suit from the closet, he places it close to Audrey and it is a perfect fit.

"Here, you can have this," Tommy says and hands the bathing suit to Audrey.

"No Tommy, that's too expensive, see it got its tag on it," Audrey says, she looks at the tag on the bathing suit and it says $750.

"You can have it," Tommy persists.

"No Tommy, no," Audrey insists.

"Sure you can have it," Tommy says, he gives the bathing suit to Audrey, he walks over to another closet by the other end of the wall, he opens it and there is an array of many dresses of different fabrics and colors.

"Hey let me look at that tag," Tommy looks at the tag of the bathing suit, and it says '34'.

Tommy searches the second closet, and he brings out a green dress.

"Here you can have this too," Tommy says, handing Audrey the green dress.

Audrey gasps in joy as she takes the dress.

"Tommy what are you doing," she says excitedly.

Tommy ignores Audrey's excitement, he pulls out a shopping bag from the top of the closet.

"Let me have them, dear," he says to her, she gives him the clothes and he puts them into the shopping bag.

Tommy gives the bag to Audrey.

"They are yours now," Tommy says.

"Thanks so much, Tommy, thanks so much," Audrey says excitedly.

"Do you care for a drink," Tommy says.

"Sure I would love a drink," Audrey says.

"Okay dear let's go upstairs to my suite,"

Tommy leads Audrey up the stairs.

Soon they are in Tommy's suite.

The suite is a well-furnished apartment with a terrace that overlooks the pool area.

Viewing from the terrace, everywhere is filled with people dancing, a wine bar is by the corner, and a D.J is at the other end by the pool.

Pretty girls in bikinis fill the pool, and the poolside.

The music from the D.J's boom box is heard to the ends of the landscapes.

"Make yourself at home," Tommy tells Audrey up in his suite.

Audrey is fascinated by the suite and its luxury.

There's a king-size water bed by the room.

A large T.V stands close to a fireplace.

Tommy walks to the bar area in the room and pours two shots of some rum.

Audrey sits by the bed because there's nowhere else to sit.

Tommy walks back to Audrey and hands her a glass of drink.

"No Tommy, I don't drink alcohol," Audrey says, pushing the glass away.

"Come on just a little, that's why I didn't put much for you, huh," Tommy insists, putting the drink before Audrey.

Audrey reluctantly collects the drink.

Tommy sits beside Audrey on the bed.

He reaches out for a remote on the bed and clicks on the television set, the movie 'Dirty Dancing' begins to play, a scene of a club party, with people dancing to 'The Contours - Do you love me' plays on the T.V screen.

Tommy and Audrey watch the movie for a moment, sipping on their glasses.

Audrey makes a funny face as she drinks from the glass.

"It tastes awful," she says.

Tommy ignores Audrey, he keeps his gaze on the movie.

Audrey sips again, and again.

"I feel dizzy," she says.

"Oh sorry, can I massage your shoulders a bit dear, that could help," Tommy says.

"That….will…be…a…good idea," Audrey says drowsily.

Tommy removes his shoes and goes to Audrey's back, he begins to massage her shoulders gently, he massages lightly and Audrey seems to like it.

"Hmmm…I like that," Audrey says.

Tommy slips his hands further across her shoulders down to her breasts, he squeezes her breasts gently, and this makes Audrey moan.

Tommy unzips the zipper at the back of Audrey's gown, and he undoes the zipper to her waistline.

He snaps off Audrey's brassieres, takes it off, and swings it across the room.

Tommy slips his hands on Audrey's chocolate-looking breasts and squeezes them.

Audrey moans again, this time deeply.

Tommy gently lays Audrey's back on the waterbed, he slips off her dress to the floor, and Audrey is now naked on the bed.

Tommy puts his lips on Audrey's nipple, and he begins to suck gently on it.

Audrey squirms, and moans more deeply…




Zachess and her friends just pulled up to the front gate of Tommy's house.

The music is booming so loud from the D.J's, that they couldn't hear themselves in the car from the gates.

"Come on girls, rally up the girls at the Oaktree up in the woods, I want to see Tommy first," Zachess tells her crew as she comes out of the car.

"What girls, what Oaktree up in the woods," Anna asks.

"Don't worry Anna, Tammy knows what to do," Zachess says.

She points across the walls, up a dark hill opposite Tommy's property.

There are woods up the hill opposite the property, like a hill up the other side of the street.

It was past dusk, and visibility was very low, so one couldn't see too far uphill to know what was happening there.

With the loud music, up the woods, will be a perfect spot to have an outdoor 'party-after-party' for the TPLG.

Zachess has this plan for TPLG to have a sorority initiation for the new gay girls that want to join their crew.

Three other girls are to be initiated into TPLG tonight, that's the plan.

Zachess wants to initiate Bea too to her click, and that makes it four new girls.

The TPLG will be made up of nine girls after tonight's sorority initiation in the woods at the Oaktree.

The plan is no one would notice if they use the cover of Tommy's party.

Zachess has crazy plans for the 'party-after-party' gig tonight.

She steps out of her car and puts on a black leather jacket on top of her micro mini yellow gown.

Zachess tosses the car keys to Tammy.

"Lock the car Sweery," Zachess says.

She catwalks into the main compounds of Tommy's house.

She walks by the sidewalk to the front doors.

She doesn't walk through the back sidewalk that leads to the swimming pool area where the party is going on.

Zachess visits Tommy's house often, she knows her way around.

Rumour has it that Tommy and Zachess are dating, but no one is sure about that yet.

He often makes this joke with his friends about making love to her though she is a lesbian.

But no one knows for sure if he has had an affair yet with the Alpha of TPLG.

Soon Zachess is inside Tommy's house.

Tommy had let the help and butlers leave on time so he won't have any "witnesses" of his party when his parents returned.

So the mansion was pretty empty on the inside, and all the party was happening outside.

Zachess walks across the hallway downstairs, she climbs up the stairs that lead up to Tommy's suite.

She walks up the stairs to Tommy's suite.

Just about close to the door, Zachess hears a scream from inside the suite.

Tommy sucking vehemently on Audrey's breasts awakes her from her quick drowsy slumber.

Audrey sees herself naked like the day she was born on Tommy's bed and she didn't approve of it.

She didn't anticipate her coming into Tommy's room would get this far.

She doesn't approve of it.

"No, Tommy, stop," Audrey says, though drowsily.

Audrey tries to cover her breasts with her hands gently, but Tommy holds her hands down firmly.

"Let me have it this one time Baby," Tommy says, his voice depicting horniness, his tone changing almost like a wolf's growl.

"Baby, who's your baby, I only know you from a kind of play, hey, let me go please," Audrey retorts.

Tommy presses her hands down on the bed and sucks on her nipples more aggressively.

"No, Tommy, No," Audrey screams at the top of her voice, but the boom box from the swimming pool party drowns her voice like a bird's chirp in a waterfall.

Audrey begins to scream.

Zachess hears her scream.

But she waits by the door listening.

"No, Nooo, help," Audrey screams yet again.

Just then two of Tommy's friends creep up the stairs where Zachess is standing.

Tommy's boys usually play with each other, eavesdropping on their mates' "sexcapades", taking 'audio rights' as they call it, from such sexcapades.

An 'audio right' in this regard is listening to their friend having sex with a girl.

The boys walk up the stairs, they see Zachess listening by the door.

Zachess pays them no mind, she continues to listen.

The boys come closer to the door, and they hear screaming coming from inside.

They look at each other sinisterly, smirk at each other, and open the door and enter the room.

Audrey sees them enter the suite, she lets out a loud quick: "No!"

But that was all Zachess hears before the door is quickly shut and locked from inside.

The sound of the television inside the suite is raised to the loudest, and the music from outside too, all Zachess could hear was muffled screams and squeaks for about half an hour.

Tommy's friends were the first to come out of the room looking very scoffed.

They walk by Zachess, hiding their faces with their shirts, and they walk down the stairs very quickly.

Audrey then comes out of the room, she's holding her brassieres in one hand, her shoes in the other.

She's wearing her gown but it's not zipped, the zipper down to the waistline.

Audrey, crying, sees Zachess standing by the door.

Audrey knows Zachess quite well because they are in the same class in LancelotHigh.

Audrey looks at Zachess for a moment, she's crying deeply holding her brassieres to her nose, and she's looking at Zachess with glassy eyes.

Zachess is about to hold Audrey when Tommy scuffles out of the room, he comes out of the suite and stands by the doorway, he is wearing no shirt, rather the bedsheets are tied around his waist.

"Zachess, what...what are you doing here," Tommy says in a bit of a shock to see Zachess by the door, he looks a quick look at Audrey crying, and he looks again at Zachess.

Audrey walks away from Zachess, she walks down the stairs quickly, her brassieres and shoes in her hands.

"Audrey," Tommy calls, but Audrey walks down very fast.

Zachess looks briskly at Tommy.

"What have you done Tommy," Zachess yells at Tommy with a harsh tone, she's wearing a serious countenance.

"What...what, what's that," Tommy stammers and he walks back into the suite as if nothing happened, not minding what Zachess has witnessed.