
Mr. Bernard was in the sitting room when he heard a knock on her door. He was so surprised because he could not figure out who the person was.

"Hello, who is there?" he responded.

"It's me, Kim, '' a voice said from outside.

Mr Bernard was surprised by " Kim" he asked himself, the only Kim he knew was her daughter's ex boyfriend. And since they are not together again, he didn't see any reason for him to be here.

He heard the knock one more time, this prompted him to open the door. He was so surprised at the sight he was seeing in front of him. 

"Hello, good evening," Mr Benard said calmly.

"Good evening sir, I'm Kim sir, I'm the one that came to check you in the hospital.Kim said with a little trait of fear.

"Alright, thanks. How are you? And how may I be of help?" Mr Benard said

"I came around here, and I thought of checking on you," Kim said quickly.

"That is good of you.i appreciate, come inside" Mr Bernard said.