Mastermind - The way out

"You are under arrest for the kidnap of Sophia Bernard" the man said.

"What, this is insult, do you know who you are talking to?" Joe said pretending to be courageous

"Maybe there is a mixed up somewhere," Joe said with confidence.

"Anything you say now shall be said against you in the court of law" the officer said.

"I came here to seal a contract with somebody. How could you come here and accuse me wrongly?" Joe said on top of his voice.

Before a few minutes, many officers surrounded him. He could not but surrendered. He felt pity for himself, because he already has the feeling that something is wrong somewhere.

He blamed himself for sending his boys outside. Before he knew what was happening, he had found himself in the cell.

What pained him most is that Sophia was aware that he was the one that kidnapped him. He also thought of Tiger, his guard, that he could stand against him since he had already changed mind by escaping Sophia.